September 5th - Day 12 - Edmonton

Elk Island National Park


The leaves of the trees sing as the wind moves through them. It sounds like a spring of water. The chorus is joined by bees, and warmed by the sun. It would have been better perhaps to come here to camp overnight and experience the dusk and dawn movement of creatures. But this was a quiet time of day, the campers still at their jobs only dreaming of the week-end relaxation.


Beaver Dam

Sandy Beach

The Grasses


These trees stand like sentinals in the fields. I don't know why they are bare.


I only saw the bison from the highway and couldn't get a picture. However, I know they, or elk, were in my area by the "patties" from not too long ago!


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Leaving tomorrow for Drumheller. I seem to be moving a bit slowly.....?