September 29th - Toms River, NJ


Went to visit Aunt Helen today at the nursing home. She will be 102 years old in December and is in good physical health, but doesn't know who people are. That might be very lonely....who knows what people in this condition experience. Her face is lined with worry and anxiety as it always has been. I pray for her peace and contentment.

As I grow older thoughts about my own future arise. I know I want to have all my "lines" in "happy places"! I'm convinced that we die as we have lived; either with peace or with turmoil.

How often do I reflect on this final journey? It's an unavoidable part of living, yet in our society we ignore it or fear it. Yet the reality remains.

My friend David Martin once said that if his life is a story he takes home to the Creator, then he'd like to have more to say about it than "Me too". What sort of "heritage" do I want to leave? What values do I live now that effect the lives of others? When the time for my own death comes, will I travel peacefully? I think it depends on how I creatively live each