Welcome to TWINSANITY!

Hi, we're Leslie and Shannon...both moms of twins.

Do you have "double vision?" Multiples mania?

If you're suffering from twinsanity (like us),
you've come to the right place!


Message Forum

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**The TWINSANITY Bookstore
in association with

Topic of the Month

Where's the Calgon??

Talking to Myself

Your Page

Mom of the Month



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News of the New
(and not so new)

If you've been here before, you'll notice we have a new look. The brighter colors and new layout are in celebration of our new address. That's right, we now have our very own domain name. You, and your fellow twinmates (twin moms, to the unintiated) can find us at www.TWINSANITY.com!

IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE...THE ASYLUM, Our very own CHAT ROOM! As with all things new, it will take a bit to get this off the ground. At the moment, we haven't set up a regular chat schedule. Since we are all available at different times (and may be in different time zones, it would be helpful if those of you who would like scheduled chats would email Leslie and I with some time suggestions. Also, any ideas for specific chat topics would be appreciated. We will try to coordinate so that no one is left out. Don't forget that you can use the chatroom ANYTIME, so please share the location with your fellow twin moms. We ask only that the chatroom be used for the purpose it is intended...to help relieve TWINSANITY!

While you're here, take a look around. Sign the guestbook so we know who's out there and what you're interested in. Better yet, visit the message forum! Post an introduction, respond to an existing topic or start your own. We haven't had much going on in the forum so in order to jump start it, we've initiated the Topic of the Month. We just put a new topic up for July. Please join us in the forum.
This is YOUR site. Let's get this place hopping!

Here are some features you'll find here soon (eventually?):

  • The TWINSANITY mailing list
  • Live scheduled chats
  • Hints and tips on taking care of yourself while raising multiples
  • Links to other twin/multiple sites (Have a link to share? Click on "Add a Link" in any of the pull down menus below and let us know)
  • Our own TWINSANITY web ring!
  • The best group of friends around!

**If you are thinking of making a purchase from Amazon.com, please consider using the search box below or visiting our bookstore. Our association with Amazon.com is a fundraiser, TWINSANITY receives a small percentage of any sales made through links from our site. Any and all monies generated will be used solely to support this site.
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