Indianapolis Women's Chorus welcomes every SSN member who can make it to the
Winter/Spring Business Meeting in Indy.Dates and Times:
Saturday, March 23rd: Noon to 5:30 pm meeting, evening of song;
Sunday, March 24th: 9:00 am to 11:00 am, wrap session and ritual.
Preliminary Agenda1) Festival - old and new
2) Creating a festival advisory group.
3) Web and e-communication update and discussion; possible e-newsletter.
4) SSN membership:4)Time for a new, updated directory?
- What it means, and on
- What basis do we include choruses, individuals and composers/arrangers in our directory?
- What do dues/fees entitle one to ?
- Are we inclusive or exclusive?
5) Creating an interim steering committee to conduct network business between mtgs and to convene mtgs.
6) When and how often shall we next meet? Invitations for SSN to meet in Cincinnati and Chicago for next two gatherings, and purpose/s thereof.