The Day Will Come... when I
can wake in the morning and not feel reality as a crushing blow striking
my face.
The Day Will Come... when I can face a day without hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. The Day Will Come... when I can speak of my children, walk past their empty bedrooms, wash their clothes, without feeling a stabbing pain where my heart use to be. The Day Will Come...when my kids' baby brother won't walk through the house looking for his brother and sister he dearly loves and misses, while I look on with tears in my eyes, knowing that I don't understand why they aren't here any more than he does. The Day Will Come ...when I will smile without it being such a fake, forced effort, and once again I will know happiness. The Day Will Come...when I can accept the situation, and be able to make the best of what I can't change, least for now. The Day Will Come...when I will once again find the strength I know is there to regain my confidence, be the person and mom I know I am ,and that will be enough. The Day Will Come...when the lies of others who know better won't hurt so much, because I will always know the truth. The Day Will Come...when I can fight, once fighting is an option, and I will show what is right and good, and what's best for my kids. The Day Will Come...when the truth will at long last be known, and right will be done, the best interest of my children finally addressed, and my family will be together again where we belong. Then all will be right with the world.
The Day Will Never Come...
The Day Will Never Come... when I just lay down and die, no matter how far down I go, it will never be too far that I can't pull myself back up again. The Day Will Never Come...when I will regret the past. If I hadn't married my first husband, I wouldn't have had the blessings of my first two children. If it wasn't for the lies, the infidelity, the broken trust, the shattered dreams of my first husband, I would have never known I could really fall in love, and I wouldn't have my third child. The pain and broken heart of the past has made me who I am today, a much better, stronger person than I ever was before. I gave my life, my heart, my soul to another person. I gave him the power to control me. Those things are now mine, and I depend on me, only sharing them with the man I love. The Day Will Never Come... when I will be able to make sense out of what can never be sensible. I can't find what doesn't exist. The Day Will Never Come...that I don't miss them every second they are away, or that I don't think about them and worry for them when I can't protect them. The Day Will Never Come...that my home and family will ever be complete when they are not in them. I will never "get use "to them being gone. The best I can hope for is that I'm able to cope. The Day Will Never Come...when my children cease to be my life, whether physically present or not, they have been and will always be the most important part, and forever in my heart. The Day Will Never Come...that it won't be worth it. No pain or struggle is too great to have my kids back with me. It's not in my nature to give up, or back down when there is something I can change, and there isn't a person in the world more worth fighting for than my children. The Day Will Never Come...when I will stop thanking God every second for my children, and cherish every precious moment we have together. The Day Will Never Come...when my children will ever doubt my love and devotion for them as it will always be too obvious to forget. They will always see the difference between my love, and their father's need for revenge at their cost.