
My Family
My family

Hi, my name is Emma, this is my family.
My Dear Hubby of 12 1/2 years is Neil and my kids
are Kayla age 9 1/2(on the right) and Emilee age 4 1/2. We live in the sunshine state, Florida. We also have a Chihuahua dog, Isabelle who is the greatest joy to us all (please! please! No taco bell jokes :o).

Kayla was diagnosed on Oct/31/95 with
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and has completed
two and a half years of chemo in April 98. She did really good through out her treatments with no major problems and continues to do wonderful. She has been in remission since November 95. She still goes in monthly for blood tests and checkups. She is just about to finish the fourth grade, making the honor roll each semester. Kayla is also a Junior Girl Scout and loves to draw. She also loves to sing and hopes to grow up to be a professional singer :o). Look out Mariah Carey!! Kayla loves to play basketball in our front yard and at the beginning of next year's season we hope to get her into a team. This make her daddy so proud and mommy cover her eyes during every game. LOL.

Emilee is getting ready to start kindergarten this fall and is looking forward to going to Big Sister's school. Emilee loves to sit and just write letters all day. She also can make one major mess in the blink of an eye. LOL! Emilee had a very different babyhood (15 months when Kayla was dx'd) with mommy and sister leaving alot to go to the hospital, thank God for Grandma and Dad. Our hospital was too far for Dad and Emilee to visit and this made it even harder. In June of 98, Emilee had to have her gallbladder removed because it was full of gallstones. This is very rare in a child and they don't know why she had them. This time Dad and Kayla had to stay behind while Mommy and Emilee were at the same hospital.

This is two things that has happened to my kids that nobody can tell me why. Thanks for visiting!



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"My Heart Goes On" by Celine Dion


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