Bree's Story

I had a scan at 18weeks which showed an abnormality in the placenta, but nothing came of that until 36.4 weeks (TUESDAY 29TH AUGUST) when I had another scan. The operator measured and the measurements showed that the baby was much smaller than it should be. She tried, twice, to confirm and the estimated weight of the baby was only 4lbs. The Scan technicion told me not to worry and that she was sending all the relevant info to the hospital and that they would contact me, but I couldn't wait!

I left the building and as I walked away I could bearly keep the tears in, I 'lost it' on the way home and rang MY midwife as soon as I walked in the door.

My MW talked to me, then went to get the fax and called me back. She told me that she thought that I would need to come into the hospital and probably wouldn't be going back home until I had delived a baby.

What a panic.....Ring Hubby, Organise kids and where they were staying, pack my stuff and the whole time I was in a bit of a daze.

It took what seemed like forever to get there, in fact I was about 30 minutes late. We went to see my m/w, who took me up to a ward and into my room.

Mum, my sister and her son were on there way (they live 3 hours away), despite me not knowing if I was staying for 3 weeks in hospital (until my e.d.a). My midwife told me that she thought the baby was bigger than 4lbs, which helped ease my mind. My Blood Pressure was elevated so they had to monitor me and they decided that it would be best if I delivered the baby sooner rather than later because it looked as though I would end up with Pre-ecclampsia again.

I saw a couple of registras that night and I was told that an Induced VBAC (vaginal birth after ceasearean) would not be considered because of the risk involved after 2 c-sections. Not happy with this, as I had done alot of research, I pushed for another opinion. The registra called a dr who was considered the 'expert' on the VBAC subject (he knew the most about it) and over the phone he said that 'he' would consider it. This caused 'problems' because he wasn't on duty that night and the dr on-duty said quote 'not on my shift'. Because of the yo-yo decisions I asked to see the obsteriction who was with me for Riley and also through this pregnancy. I knew he would be straight with me, but listen to me aswell.

The next night we saw him and discussed in-depth the situation. He said that he would advise against it, mainly because I would be artifically induced (basically he had to tell me that, even though he said on a medical side he would like to see the trial of labour). We decided to go out for an hour to 'think' (which meant I wanted FOOD) and I asked for my own room because we wanted to talk about our decision in private (which I got). The risks were high enough to worry, but we felt they were low enough to trial.

He told us about one VBAC. The Midwife had called him because the monitor that was attached to the baby's head in the womb, kept disappearing and when they investigated they found the baby 'floating' in the stomach. Luckily the outcome was good! Also somewhere it has happened and resulted in court action because the baby had died. I knew the risks of rupture, which could be ok in the hospital environment. Other outcomes were historectomy, losing life of baby, mother or both. On the plus side the risks of rupture were less that 2% and the worse outcome less. I had had an induced VBAC with Riley which was in my favour, but of course there was no risk to him! I did and do feel extremely sellfish for, I suppose, risking everything so I could try a natural birth, but thank's to GOD it was all ok.

My ob agreed that we were very well informed about the risks and said that we would trial this, However, it could only be done when he was the obstrician on-duty, which meant we had to wait until Thurs night.

The day dragged and the ob, who was meant to see me at 5.30pm, was late. It just happened that his clinic was the busiest it had been for a long time. At about 7.30 I went to the delivery room and was induced.

I was monitored really closely because the induction could cause interuterine-rupture. We endured several hours of monitoring only getting up to go bathroom and for very short walks. Just as I had got to sleep, at about midnight, the fire alarms went off, but it was only because someone had burnt toast in the delivery unit! By about 3.30am with each contraction, the baby's heart rate would drop which didn't concern the registra until she noticed that the rate was not quickly recovering, so she phoned my ob and it was decided for a c-section. I was completely happy with this, I got my trial and the right decision was made. I was really panicy....I didn't want to lose my baby and I wanted them to get her out. I had an epidural and it occured to me much later that she may have still been distressing, I just forgot to notice because the pain had gone.

I was really alert and even made jokes about cutting my scar tissue so the scar would be the same and tidy! I suppose because I wasn't sick this time it helped me take notice. I even noticed how un-pleasent (ugly) theatre really is. Brendan was with me and I was told to push - which feels near immpossible with no feeling! 4.30am I pushed and gave birth to our beautiful baby."A GIRL". She was lifted to show me and then taken to be weighed. Brendan went to get the camera. He took photos and stayed with her. At least the music playing was good as they sewed me up, so I had something to think about!

I was taken to recovery and looked over to see our baby lying back to me in an incubator. It seemed as though she was metres away, but Brendan assures me that she was right next to my bed. I remember noticing that she had so much hair and I couldn't wait to see her face.

I got the phone and called Mum (It was 5.15am at this stage) and announced that we had a baby GIRL! She came straight in.

Bree, we had already chosen her name 4 years ago, was 5lbs so they thought she would be ok to stay with us. The midwife was meant to give her a bottle for her sugar levels, but I told her that Bree HAD to be feed from ME first!!! Bree was brought to me and we tried the breatfeeding - her firsts tastes were as they should be - something I had never done before. As the M/W feed the bottle (which sort of annoys me as Brendan could have been offered to do it), a peadiatric nurse from SCBU came down and blasted her for not feeding her earlier. Bree's levels were low (the test results were back) and needed the milk to up them. I tried to interrupt her and say it was my fault and my decision, but was ignored. Brendan wasn't impressed with them and firmly told them to sort it out somewhere else!

Bree was taken to SCBU and I went to my room. I was in a lot of pain, so having Bree in SCBU was ok. The morphine finally worked after lunchtime despite having a pump and top-ups of the stuff. That evening I got out of bed, had a shower and was wheeled down to see our baby.

Still in an incubator I can't remember what my thoughts were, I was just determined to get things done my way in SCBU for once, being an old hand at it! I told them that she was not to have bottles and asked them to put a nasal gastric tube to feed her and I would breastfeed her during the day and top-up with that. I was worried that she would become nipple confused with bottles like with out other two.

I feed her as often as I could and waited for the divine decision to let her come up stairs. Her sugar levels improved, but then they used her temperature, which was low, as a reason. They don't seem to like letting them go once they have them! I decided to bottle feed her for the top ups because they don't like letting them go (again) until they are established feeders (as if any babies are in day 3). Day 4 - she was coming up with me like it or not!!! They had the incubators there for temp anyway, but she was in a cot and the dr said, without me having to argue, that she was ready.

One of the nights I was in bed, Brendan was talking with me and looked at me and with a worried facial expression told me that one of my eye pupils were alot larger than the other. I got up, looked in the mirror and thought I had had a partial stroke or something. My eyes looked scary. The Dr was called and could offer no explaination, but she named it something weird. The the next day a midwife asked if I had an anti-nausia (travel) patch on. I had been given one 3 days earlier and put it behind my ear. I forgot about it apart from the itchness and she had just happened to read the packet. There was a warning "could cause pupil dialation". Talk about weird, but it was funny in the end.

We finally got our baby and she was in my room! WOW...I must admit that I asked the midwives to take her for a while during that night as I was plain exausted and she was unsettled.

We went to the CPR class in SCBU and I think that they must have thought I was strange because I said him instead of her and on the demo I pushed the chest of the dummy too hard. Mind you I was sitting on the couch and the dool was on the table (I was much higher). - Well that's my excuse anyway - but I just hope I never have to do it for real!

Daddy bathed Bree for the first time and I took the pics. Brendan had to work so the days dragged a bit but on day 6, I think I was becoming a nucience anyway, we came home.

The first 14 photo's taken in the first week (just after she was born, first hold, feed, bath etc) didn't come out and I only had 2 photos of that time which weren't that great. No-one else took pics of her (because she was in SCBU I think), so I really regret that, but I have what I need and I would have her anyday over photos!

Bree is such a joy and I have bonded so strongly with her. Our little kewpie doll with beautiful reddish hair which curls on her forhead and sits over her ears, blue eyes, and little pixie ears.

Bree's Main Page


Come and meet my family...

Acacia - My big Sister

Cayleb - My big Brother

Riley - My Guardian Angel Brother

Baby G - Miscarried


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