

(This is the EXACT look she gave me when I told her she was goin' up in here....this lovely pic is by Dromey, BTW!)

Ahh...our sweet widdel Sephy...y'know, she once told me not to call her that, as it sounded like a venereal disease. I feel I must agree....Oopsie! Digression! How did the Queen of the Dead, Personification of Spring, and Lighter of Hades' Baser Fires (like he's GOT any others??!) end up displayed so lovingly in here? Oh I'll tell you. GLADLY. As I stand here, grinning evilly and rubbing my hands together in malicious glee, my memories warp further, and I see....Persephone. At Bi- Mart, with myself. On sale is the admittedly excellent Batman/SuperMan Movie, an animated flick a la Warner Brothers for those of you who's shoes mis- fired when you were aiming for home. Seph needed twelve dollars. I had twelve dollars. We stood in the toy isle, debating on purchasing the action figure of "The Creeper", also from Batman the Animated series when she asked if she could borrow twelve bucks, money she'd be thrilled to re- pay me with on the morrow. Poor, sweet queen.... I said yes, but only under one condition. She had to kiss this cute and silly widdle stuffed dog attractivly displayed on the end aisle. I really didn't think she'd do it; I was going to give her the money regardless. Reeeeally I was.>;)What happened next was a blur of her looking really really torn, and then laying a big wet one on Poochey. I almost peed myself laughing, and parents quickly steered their young and impressionable spawn away from the Puppy Perv at the end of the aisle. Hey. She got her damn movie.>;)

The other deciding factor for her place in here ties to a particularly horrific bit of animae known as..Pokemon. Ask her about the episode she watched involving the Butterfrees that caused her to tear up. Over POKEMON. And please. Tell herI sent you?>;)

Whatdiya MEAN poison ivy?!