..I feel I should apologize. Of course I won't..that'd contradict the concept only slightly. This is, as pointed out by the snazzy font above, THe Rock of Humilition. The purpose is to humiliate. What can i say? Everyone had a fan club but me....so I got 'em A-al-l-l back! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! thank you. I'm better know. Everyone that has or will end up in here is loved; I just want to remind everyone that this is don epurely in loving fun with the shy hopes of making you blush until your cheeks bleed. NOW! ONTO THE SHOW!
Well, well well! Look who managed to plop down in the hot seat this week! This was originally Andromeda's (no, not that Andromeda!) rock, but since the whole "rescue", the place has looked a little..well, bare! So we've humbly decided to use it as a spot to poke fun at our dearest friends! HA! Please understand that being put up in here is a sign of honor, and there's no point in going off half- cocked about it. Now that I've disclaimed, feel free to explode! Now, let's see who we've all chained up today?!
Today's winning contestant is....Persephone! Why? Click the name, folks!
Past Winners:
Nut-Meg Kinda lonely down here, huh, Nutty?>;)