Experienced software developer specialized in designing and developing systems with Multi-tiered and Client/Server
architecture. Proficient in Enterprise Java technologies, MS Visual C++ and Object Oriented Analysis. Full life-cycle
development experience with large enterprise information systems.
Java SDK 1.4/1.3/1.2, J2EE, EJB, JDBC, JNDI, JSP, Java Servlets
JBuilder, DreameWeaver, Visual InterDev, Flash, Fireworks, TOAD, MS Visual, Borland Builder, Eclipse, ClearCase, ClearQuest
IBM Websphere, iPlanet, BEA Weblogic, Borland VisiBroker
Oracle , Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
Together Controll Center, Rational Software Architect
Unix, Windows NT/9x, Windows XP
System Consultant (March, 2004-present)
Fidelity National Financial Jacksonville, FL
-Actively participate in the analyses, design, implementation, and testing B2B portal MortgagePHD application ( – web-based information and services for the mortgage industry retrieving information and order services from disparate sources.
System operation environment consisted of clustered Weblogic application server and Oracle RDBMS.
-Involved in design and development of web interface using JSP, JSTL, XML, Struts, JavaScript and JDBC for administering and managing users and clients.
-Maintained reporting engine, created reports using SQL,XML, XSLT
-Involved in data migration/conversion from one environment to another for Oracle DB
-Business logic and data layer components are developed using EJBs and Hibernate API
Programmer Analyst II (July, 2002 - February, 2004)
Washington Mutual Bank , Jacksonville, FL Responsible for design and implementation of internet-based software application OPTIS.
OPTIS is used by the mortgage company and lenders to underwrite, process and service loans
-In the design phase of this project used use-case diagrams and UML class diagrams . Program was implemented with
JSPs (Java Server Pages), JavaServlets and EJBs (Enterprise Java Beans). Jakarta STRUTS was used as application
framework. System operation environment consisted of clustered Weblogic 5.1 application server, iPlanet web server
and Oracle RDBMS. - In development employed the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design. - During implementation phase coded significant portions of application including EJB components, JSPs and database stored
procedures. Implementation languages of this project included JAVA, JavaScript, XML, HTML and SQL.
- Developed a java program that allowed to create and fax reports, implemented with Business Objects Reports software
Systems Consultant/Analyst (May, 2000 - July, 2002)
Homeside Lending Inc., (Mortgage) Jacksonville, FL
Worked as member of a developers team to develop and implement a software for underwriters using MS Visual C++
and brokers online application using Java/Javascript.
- Software was used for underwrite, process and service mortgage loans
- Mortgage service was implemented in client/server environment using MS Visual C++/MFC, ActiveX and SQL as front-end
development tool and Oracle RDBMS as back-end.
- Online application for broker was implemented with JAVA, JavaScript, XML, HTML and SQL and Oracle RDBMS as back-end.
- Implemented integration of the system with MS Word and Excel using OLE and DDE.
Other duties included:
- Rules engine development and maintenance implemented in C++ with RogueWave on Unix platform
- Provided production support and maintenance for existing systems.
Computer Systems Programmer (1/1999 - 5/2000) Fortune Insurance Company,(Auto Insurance) Jacksonville, FL
Program development and implementation based on the client/server architecture, utilizing Oracle Database (C++ Borland Builder, VCL, and SQL),
- Developed and implemented Automated premium rating programs (GUI, Property & Casualty Product Line),
- Developed and implemented Program for batch print of insurance Declaration pages with Borland C++ as a front-end and Oracle RDBMS as back-end.
- Implemented Data Merging Programs for MS Word reports using SQL.
- Provided support and maintenance for Corporate Intranet Web Site Utilizing Oracle Query Interface (ASP, HTML and SQL)
Software Quality Assurance Tester/Beta Tester (1998-1999)
Secure Document Systems, Jacksonville, FL
Responsible for testing new & upgraded, custom C++ programs. Assisted in implementation of secure document printer routines utilizing
bar codes, signature recognition and other security & protection methods.
Certified Instructor
Technical College, Lvov, Ukraine (1986-1997)
Collegiant level instruction in materials stresses & resistances:
Engineering materials & mechanical parts. Developed, programmed, and implemented student testing programs
(C, MS-DOS platform).
-Excellent Mathematical Skills
-Strong Analytical & Problem-Solving Abilitties
-Team Oriented
-Very Fast Applications Developer
Technical Certification: C++/Java
Florida Technical College, Jacksonville, Florida
Degree Conferred: 1998 GPA: 4.0/4.0
C/C++ 5.02 (Windows Environment)
Borland Builder C++ 3.0/4.0 w/Database Application
Java Network Programming
Bachelor of Science: Mechanical Engineering, Moscow Technical University, Moscow, Russia
BA Degree : 1986
Certified Instructor in Engineering: Machine building & mechanical parts