For all our soldiers. Until you are home . . . Unelanahi sgvsi nvwadohiyadi osda ayilidi nigadi gvginetliyvsdi nigessvna gesvi, ale utlanigida aquudanadadisdi aginetliyvsdi na gvginetliyvsdi gesvi, ale agadohvnesdi aquunvda yulisdosi dudalehnavi. ~ Emenv
ai sv nv wa do hi ya do
Walk in Peace
May Creator be the LIGHT that leads us all, and may we all find the strength to face tomorrow.
much love, ~Amber Morning Rain
updated October 22, 2006
Here is a quick hidden page guide.
Click the back button to use the table to maneuver. Please know that by clicking next, there is a logical progression and pages you will miss by using the table. ~WADO!!!