Ergonomic Keyboarding, New York, USA, Tel. and Fax:
212 567 0964
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Ergonomic Keyboarding
Seminar Topics:
- A brief overview of occupational hazards
- Overuse or misuse? Repetitive motion without tension
- The effects of clenching the fingers, and the basic position of a healthy hand, wrist, forearm and upper arm
- The effects of isolating and stretching the fingers, and the alternatives: subtle forearm movements which unify the hand and forearm
- Positioning your fingers on the "home row": gain or pain?
- The space bar, shift and number keys: how to move larger distances without stretching the fingers
- The effects of twisting and dropping the wrist, and the alternatives
- The proper use of wrist guards and their dangers
- Other mechanical aids and their validity
- Correct use of the mouse
- Why a "relaxation" technique may cause pain: relaxation as a result
of coordinate movement
- Effective use of the thumb and pinky
- Seating height and position
- The reasons behind specific aches and pains and how to cure them