Welcome to my Guestbook

Everyone is free to post questions, discussions, thoughts -- basically anything they want. The one rule is that all comments and discussions must be respectful, or I will delete them. I am the final arbiter of what is respectful, b t I am pretty reasonable. If there is a post here that you feel is not respectful, please e-mail me at onesurvives@hotmail.com and I will look into the matter.

Waqas - 10/04/00 18:45:32
My URL:http://Idea24.com
My Email:CEO@Idea24.com
I was 13 year old when it happened. I was raped by four women in nearby appartment. It continued for next six months. They used me to entertain other women. They had my pictures and they used it. My girlfriend told me , you are dirty now. I ended up with sorrow and tears. But now , I don't feel any shame. That was not my mistake. Thanks.

Bekah - 10/03/00 13:46:47
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/survivor17/Mainpage.html
My Email:Bekah@tearsinthedark.every1.net
great website!! well done for creating a website about rape. visit my website sometime. xx

Tina - 09/17/00 18:53:49
My Email:ween@together.net
I have been doing research for a paper on male rape, and I found your site after a great deal of searching. I wanted to let you know that I think it is a wonderful resource for people like me, and for those who are directly affected by this. I applaude our efforts, and wish you continued success. I also wish nothing but the best and complete healing for the survivors and their loved ones.

Bonnie M - 09/14/00 18:28:41
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Flats/5236
My Email:mebonnie@bellsouth.net
Id like to thank you for creating a website about what you went through, I and my 2 sisters were physically abused by our ex step dad when we were little, and I was raped by him at the age of 9 and until mom got brave and divorced him, please go to my hom page and add your story there thanks

Sharice - 06/09/00 00:12:12
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/myangelhaven/
My Email:niederworld@sk.sympatico.ca
I read your pages and your I recall a life similar to yours. I too am a survivor of sexual abuse and now my daughter 13 is as well. I believe that once we start to go public and tell our stories we are no longer survivors but warriors against. I wanted you to know there is 2 more of us out here....

Anna - 04/25/00 07:54:28
My URL:http://www.truebluefriends.au.com
My Email:webmaster@truebluefriends.au.com
Keep up the great work! I'm a survivor too, though my webpage is a depression based page.

EYE - 04/10/00 03:03:40
My URL:http://eyereen.tripod.com/heart/me.html
My Email:EYEREEN119@icqmail.com
Thanks for your courage in putting this up. I know myself it is the hardest thing to do. My story is not quite the same, but the end result is. My ex physically abused me and sexually assaulted my oldest daughter when she was 5. So I know all about the hu t and pain and confusion. Everyday is hard to get up and face but knowing that I'm not alone helps so much. Take care...EYE

Angel M - 03/24/00 00:10:43
My URL:http://homestead.juno.com/lost5683/PTSD.html
My Email:lost5683@juno.com
Living is sometimes harder than life.

Artur - 11/19/99 04:00:14
I happened to come by this page... it is very difficult for me to read. My girlfriend was raped when I was working in Germany last summer and the pain she still feels makes me feel weak. I wish I could take away all her pain. Sometimes I feel so ashame of being a male... I still awe at the courage she shows by trying to live each day to the fullest because I know how much she hurts. I respect all of you for having the courage to go on...

J. G. - 11/10/99 01:30:52
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/poetrymadness/index.html
My Email:latin_lass@yahoo.com
Instead of putting my name up here, I opted for my initials, in case anyone who knows me comes by. I suppose I am ashamed of it, I suppose it's too much for me. But somehow, I get through the days. I am a "survivor" of sexual abuse. And it hurts too m ch to think of some days. I'm glad to see that these websites exist, because it means that I am not alone in where I've been. It means that there is somewhere to go when I feel scared again. Thank you for having this website and I feel good to have sig ed the guestbook. Some of the poetry in my site is about what has happened to me, it's also about feeling alone, and I probably will always feel alone. But right now, I don't. Thanks.

Erica M. Rammel - 10/28/99 01:40:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ERammel2
My Email:ERammel@yahoo.com
You have a wonderful site - Thank you for creating it! It is a great resource for victims, survivors and loved ones.

Jane - 10/14/99 01:57:45
My Email:jf465@is9.nyu.edu
Your story really touched me, and I'm glad I read it. We should all be as brave as you

Lana - 08/25/99 02:23:30
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/HotSprings/Villa/1261
My Email:lady_lana@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for visiting my site and for including in the links on your page! May your candle of survival live on forever.

catherine - 08/15/99 19:27:11
My Email:s_cat14@yahoo.com
I liked your page and your courage was inspiring. I got a raping this past summer that I am still not over and finding your page helps a lot. Thanks.

Charles - 08/09/99 15:07:10
My Email:chaplain34@juno.com
May God Bless you in helping others!!!

Angela - 08/04/99 00:52:02
My URL:http://adviceangel.homepage.com/angel.html
My Email:tenderone@home.com
Your courage means alot. Fear is hard to get over, and mine still exisits it is so nice to have others who are out there who can deal.

Meggles - 08/03/99 11:59:37
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Wellesley/Garden/8460
My Email:megwolf@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for signing my guest book. You have a great site here. There is a great site that you may want to list called Abuse Safe Haven. They have a 24/7 chat, etc. BIG HUGS Meggles

may potter - 07/26/99 04:47:34
My Email:maypotter@usa.net
Thank you for your courage in telling your story. I was raped and stabbed almost a month ago and I am desperate to hold on to sanity. Luckily the man (he lives in the same apartment house) was arrested, but every night I can't sleep thinking that he will ake bail. I know it's illogical (bail was $250.000 ) but logic doesn't have anything to do with this. Your story is so sad. I admire your recovery in making a website to help others. It gives me hope to find all these resources from people who have also e perienced the unspeakable. Best wishes in your recovery. I hope you will find peace and that somehow the monsters will be stopped.

Kendra - 07/19/99 21:44:40
My Email:baby__Girl_29@hotmail.com
I wanted to say to Jennifer that I feel sorry for you. even though I wasn't raped, my mom was raped when she was 17 and the emotional scars still haunt her. My mom just prays it doesnt happen to me.

crystal hoover - 07/13/99 19:06:29
My Email:crystalnctc@netscape.net
I know how some of these people feel because I went through the same thing when I was younger.

Bekah - 06/08/99 05:19:59
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Wellesley/Atrium/1152/index.html
My Email:bekah@tnet.com.au
((((((BIG HUG FOR YOU)))))))))))

OneSurvives - 06/07/99 20:26:24
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Wellesley/Gazebo/8612/index.html
My Email:onesurvives@hotmail.com
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