24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-376-2272
"Peace Begins in the Home"
- The battered woman syndrome affects only a small percentage of the population.
- Battered women are masochistic.
- Battered women are crazy.
- Middle class women do not get battered as frequently or as violently as do poorer women.
- Minority group women are battered more frequently than Anglos.
- Lesbians do not abuse their partners.
- Religious beliefs will prevent battering.
- Battered women are uneducated and have few job skills.
- Batterers are violent in all their relationships.
- Batterers are unsuccessful and lack resources to cope with the world.
- Drinking causes battering behavior.
- Batterers are psychopathic personalities.
- Police can protect the battered woman.
- The batterer is not a loving partner.
- A wife batterer also beats his children.
- Once a battered woman, always a battered woman.
- Once a batterer, always a batterer.
- Long-standing battering relationships can change for the better.
- Battered women deserve to be beaten.
- Women abused in prostitution are not really battered women.
- Battered women can always leave home.
- Batterers will cease their violence "when we get married."
- Children need their father even if he is violent, or "I,m only staying for the sake of the
Adapted from The Battered Woman, by Lenore Walker, Chapter 1.
Created on: March 3, 1999
Last Modified: