"Remember to always drink upstream of the herd."
- Ranger Doug, Riders in the Sky
Well, the first week of classes has come and gone. After spending much of the summer in solitude, it was a big shock to be back around that many people again. The classes are cool and I feel that I'm going to be challanged in them, especially philosophy and astronomy. I've discovered Socrates was a neat guy ("Know thyself," "The unexamined life is not worth living") and setting up a big refractive telescope is pretty easy, if nervewracking.
I feel I'm also being challenged by my truck. Last Wednesday morning, I walked out to find the passenger side tire flatter than Don Johnson's career. I could get it to about fifteen pounds and it wouldn't hold any more - the multiple pin sized holes in it saw to that. I finally got new tires Friday (no thanks to the lazy SOB behind the desk...that's a whole 'nother rant), only to have the fuel filter to start clogging on me again this week. I was hoping I could hold out a little longer - until some money I'm expecting comes in - and just replace the damn tank along with the filter. Alas, it's not to be. My poor truck is strangling to death.
Wow - the wind's picking up. Looks like Francis will be paying Middle Tennessee a bit of a visit, after all.
Page and graphics Copyright 2004 D. Firewolf