Birds in Hand
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December 12, 2004
Finished Reading: The Shamanic Way of the Bee - Simon Buxton
Great book! I'm glad I came across the interview he did with Anne Strieber
Now Reading: Burnt Offerings - Laurell K. Hamilton
What can I say? I needed a Jean Claude fix. Mmmmmmm....Jean Claude.....
"You know, Keith Richards and Steven Tyler are living proof that heroin is really bad for the body but really great for hair."
- a fellow student in my astronomy class
John Hostettler, the Congressman representing the 8th district of Indiana, has been convinced by local religious groups to introduce legislation in the House that would change the name of an Interstate 69 extension to a more moral sounding number.

Good god, some folks have entirely too much time on their hands.
Discord and Rhyme

Ah god, what a month. All this stuff running around my head and not able to get any of it out. Every time I'd sit down to do an entry: poof! Away it would go. :::sigh:::

On the update front, the Art League is now history. Sort of. I hated to see it degenerate - in typical INFP fashion, it got adopted as a cause. I fought to get things going but it seemed no one cared about the things that were discussed in the first meeting anymore and things eventually got more and more elementary schoolish. All the officers wanted to do were these little craft projects with foam and wood cut-outs, so we could "psycho-analyze ourselves!" rather than to get the paperwork finished so they could get their seed money and be recognized as a legit club by the college. I finally resigned, the League was blacklisted for not doing the paperwork by the deadline (all the while, the president was still whining "WHYYYYyyyyyy?" I severely wanted to shake her and yell, "If you'd take the damn lead out of your ears and LISTEN once in a while, you know "WHYYYYyyyyy!!") I am now a Senator At Large instead of Art League Representative. Last I heard, they were calling themselves the "Art Club" and were still making stupid little crafts - only now in the cafeteria instead of the back rooms of the art building.

The fun part of all of this came from the advisor of the club: when she was confronted with all of this crap, she turned it back on the other folks. When I confronted her with the email incident, she said, "I don't understand. I don't know what you're talking about."

Pikers. The whole lot of them.

On the other hand, this semester is almost over. Finals week begins tomorrow and I start the week with Astronomy and Graphic Design. Tuesday is Philosophy and Wednesday is Tennessee History. It looks like I'll get out with a mostly A average, with Graphic Design being my nemesis. Hopefully, I'll pull a B out of it, although if sheer frustration counted for much I'd have an A++++++. The first half of this semester was nothing but sheer hell in learning how to use InDesign, especially since my instructor had to learn it as well.

The good news is 1.) I can breathe now with going into a coughing or sneezing fit. Apparently, I was on the front lines and got hit by the current bug that's going around: first the scratchy throat (but only on one side) and then it travels into your sinuses where it leaves you feeling as if you have to always sneeze, even if you just did. Then the coughing sets in when the sinuses begin to drain. Lovely stuff. 2.) I have the house to myself for the week, although in reality, nothing seems much different.

Well, y'all, I've got to go study for that Astronomy final and make sure I know my zonal flows on Jupiter from the Kuiper Belt as well Newton's Laws of Motion vs. Einstein's Laws of Relativity. Sleep well, dearhearts.

Page and graphics Copyright 2004 D. Firewolf