The cover that should have been on "OUTSIDE!" the first day of school...

Volume 2, Issue 1

The articles listed below are the articles that should have been published and distributed throughout all the high schools in the Bend/La Pine school district in central Oregon. HOWEVER! They recently ruled that they can violate our first amendment rights... they will not let us voice our oppinions. Period. They also will not allow any "unauthorized material" to be distributed on school grounds. So, they basically make their own laws.. Don't worry, we are fighting the bastards in court now, but the outcome will be a ways away... So, until something is resolved, the internet is "OUTSIDE!"'s new location... take a gander at the articles below.

Articles Available:

Introduction: The introduction to our new year of "OUTSIDE!" and some of our goals!

The Sheep: A nice fairy tale that hits a lil' too close to home 'round here.

Postcard Punk: A local high schooler giving high praise to "OUTSIDE!".

What Went Wrong?: An interesting perception on bad days...

Portions of the comic book: ANARKY!: I do believe this is easily one of the most interesting articles on this page. It definitely sums up many portions of what we are trying to portray here. This is not used with permission from DC Comics, so I hope they don't sue our asses...

Instead of the afformentioned articles being published, the following is what will be distributed at MVHS as the final issue of "OUTSIDE!"...
My Mistake.

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