Transgendered Fiction . . . Ah! Now we’re talking! There are few things I like better than a well written bit of transgendered eroticism! And I enjoy writing it almost as much as I enjoy reading it. So . . . that’s what this page is going to be all about; transgendered fiction.

And not just any t.g. fiction mind you! It’s my page after all! Therefore, it’s going to be stories that I like!

Now having said that, I want to also say; by proceeding to the following collection of stories, you are certifying that you are an adult as defined by the laws of your community, that you understand that these stories contain explicit sexual reference, and that you are not offended by transgendered or erotic material.

These stories are all works of fiction. Any resemblance to any person or organization is purely coincidental and unintentional. The author(s) of these stories reserve all rights. These stories may not be reproduced in any fashion without the author's prior express consent.

Okay. Enough legalism . . . on to the stories!

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