Now, here are some links to some of my friends' sites! To go to their web page or to send them email, just click on their picture or names!

David in the backyard

This is my and Mark's roommate, David. He's our best friend. And so much more, he's the "head chef" in the house (and damn good, as you can tell by my belly), and he is our "groundskeeper", although I tease him and call him our "garden GNOME." Gardening is something he has a great passion for, as you can see by these photos. These photos are from the old house. When I get the new yard pictures processed and scanned, I will post them up here, or make a page of just his handiwork on things that are green. And we always want him to know how much we care for and appreciate him! Thanks, David, from the bottom or our hearts! Click on the shoes, and they will take you to the pictures of our NEW backyard.

shoe planter

The Puppy Parrish

And this is Parrish, David's dog. This is an old pic of him as a pup. And this is Parrish all grown up.I'm A Big Dog Now!.

SarroCub on a rock

This is my friend, SarroCub! He's a bear cub all the way from Germany, but he moved to the states in June of 2000. So keep and eye out at the local bar men, you just might run into him. *GRIN* But don't get too close, he's attached to a handsome bear! He's a sweet cub, and I think he is simply irresistible! We're both big fans of Sarah McLachlan.

Tex and Bruce

And here are Tex and Bruce. They lived in Monterrey Bay, but moved away from us. Mark and I miss them now they are so far away! What a handsome couple! WOOF, guys!


And this is my friend, Devlin. He's 27 years old, 6'3" a California boy that moved to the east coast to further his learning abilities. Devlin is a single, hearing Sign Interpreter/Translator. He's a Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan, likes bears, cubs and MACS (well, no one is perfect). And I'm still waiting for a more current picture to post.

GregAnd this is Greg, he's a friend I met through the Golden State Bears club. He is a cutie, isn't he? But sorry guys, he does have a papa bear.

And this is Nemocub. My friend from the Golden State Bears club, in Central California. He's a cute cub who loves his daddies and chubby bears! Oh, and guys, he is SINGLE too!

SalAnd this is my friend Sal, who I also met through the Golden State Bears. He's 6' 250#s got black hair and brown eyes. His favorite car is an El Camino.. Just kidding, he drives a RANCHERO ("the only car worth being seen in"). He likes camping, boating, and loves Pink Floyd. And he has a soft spot for them big ol' cuddly bears. And his special cuddly bear, Frank.

John And this is my friend John. He is a young Latino cub that has a fondness for bears and other cubs. He loves to write and sing (he's in a gay choir!)

ToniaHere is my friend, Tonia! Her and I worked together at Blockbuster, when it was a cool and GREAT team there. This girl is as feisty as they come, and man, do NOT upset her. She looks sweet and innocent, but she can sure take care of herself! And she is one sexy momma!! You go, Little Grasshopper!

DenBearThis is a new friend, Dennis. He's a sweet guy, very kind and new to the bear scene. Check out his web page, and find out what makes him tick! By the way, does he remind you of someone? Dennis is a big fan of Kevin Smith movies, Star Wars (we have LOTS in common on that subject), local bands and a plethora of movie trivia (even more that me!) This picture is a little out dated, he has changed his looks a little, he has trimmed his beard and hair, and doesn't look as bikerish (of course, not that that's a bad thing). But still a woofy guy none the less. Don't you think?

And here is a link to my oldest friend Shawn's web page. His mother and my mother have been friends since they were 5 years old. So, we were destined to be brothers, which means, I can kick his butt! *GRIN* We've gotten into our scrapes over the years. But we have never lost contact. No matter how far I move away, he finds me. He’s a father of 3 kids *HELLO TATYANA & ALY & JORDAN* of his own! I'm also waiting for a picture that I can use here too.

Sexy KittenHmm, how do I introduce my next friend... Well, do not all freak out, it's a woman. And she's not family, but she is cool! Meet Laurie, she is a co-worker, but I call her friend. She is a real sex kitten! *MEOW* Trust me, I've seen her be flirty, and she can reel the men in better than me (I'm taking lessons from her now!) Check out her homepage, and learn a little more about her!

Nicaraguan PrincessAnd here is my Nicaraguan Princess! Grace Here is another current co-worker. She is in school (but you know, I don't know what for) and is just as feisty as Tonya! She is so much fun to work with, and when she talks, we call her phrases "Gracisms". It's like Forest Gump, but without the handicap. Teeth, Grace, I'm showing teeth!!

Michael & TomThis is Michael and Tom. I work with Michael at LPS. And this is his honey bear, Tom. Michael is a hoot, he's a Southern Gentleman, when the mood strikes him. (TEETH) But he is a real sweetheart. Tom and I finally met at the California State Fair (September 2002), I don't know him all that well, but he seems very kind, and very attentive to Michael! They are both very lucky.

And then there's Brandon's home. Now, this is what happens when intelligence is wasted!!! *EVIL GRIN* Sorry, Brandon, I had to say that. He is a nephew of Shawn's, and I bet he can't keep the girls off of him! We call him Hercules *EVIL GRIN*

And then there is my friend Paul. He also was a co-worker from Blockbuster, when the crew was just TOO cool! He just recently married (September 21, 2002. And I was very privileged to attend it. I'm hoping that he and Amy, his wife, will let me post a picture of them soon. But until then, I just want to say to them, CONGRATULATIONS, my fondest wishes go out to the two of you as you start this wondrous journey called life. Oh, and the little shit better start answering my emails!

Kate's Face photoAnd this is Kate. Kate and I were coworkes at Blockbuster. She might look familar to you who watch CSI. She was on the episode that had firefighters in it. She spent the entire day in "soot". She has since moved on from Blockbuser, and I hear through the grapevine, that she is engaged to be married. But to me, and my other friends from Blockbuster, she will always be known as "Scooter 1". *love ya Kate!*

I have gotten a new job, and guess what, I'm back in retail.Casual Male logo I guess you can say its *clearing throat* fitting. But I have to tell you, its a chaser's dream. But I have to tell you, what I should have dont is gotten a job at the GAP!
