It's easy to place an advert on Q Pals. The first thing I recommend you do is obtain a free e-mail account. Details of some free e-mail providers can be found on the links page.

Once you have established your free e-mail account, decide what you would like the advert to say. Write a little about yourself, your interests and the kind of people you would like to hear from. You can send a picture to accompany your advert too. However adverts may not contain telephone numbers or snail mail addresses. Then send your e-mail to

Please note: Your advert must be sent from the account that you wish your replies to be sent to!

You will be sent an acknowledgement of your message. Your advert should appear on the site within 24 hours of the acknowledgement having been sent. It really is as simple as that.

If at any time you would like your advert amended or removed just send an e-mail from the account your originally placed your advert from. Please limit changes to one per calendar month.

Q Pals reserves the right to decline to carry any advertisement for any reason that it sees fit, without disclosing that reason to you.

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