This is the story about My FISRT real time leaving the house, I had taken things out with me and changed on site. While checking club bulletin boards I came across a mention about WIGSTOCK being this coming Sunday. I thought it would be nice to go, but I'm kinda shy and friends of mine were having a bar-b-que that day so I was leaning toward not giong. Then later at the boards I see a posting which basically said You don't have to go alone we are meeting at Christopher St. & 7th Ave. at 2 pm. GREAT!
   I send a message of my itnetion to go and a discription of myself "very tall and very red", buy some things that I would need but hadn't gotten yet a purse more jewelry and new pantyhose, shaved, ironed the jumpsuit, painted my nails and looked at the map to see where Christopher St. met 7th Ave. Sunday morning I shave real close do the make-up thing  just my 3rd time, get dressed and for the first time ever walk out my front door fully dressed! This is at about 10:30am, I wanted to allow extra time for traffic and parking search. I drive down to NYC I just loved the way my breast forms jiggled when I hit bumps in the road, traffics not too bad, and I quickly find a parking garage just a block away, its now a quarter after 1pm, according to the clock in the car, I don't have a watch. Early, I meander around the near vicinity keeping an eye out for anything that looks like a gathering. I have no illusions of having come close to passing, even in the village I stood out but I did not have any problems. Eventually being convinced I'd been waiting at least 45 minutes I asked someone for the time, it was 3pm. This is when I realize that while looking at the map I had neglected to navigate the route from the meeting place to the event. Dissapointed and tired I decide to drive home, on the way I thought why miss the Bar-B-Que. Nobody there knows about my dressing and I'm a little apprehensive, but I'm also very hungry! So I go to the Que and every thing goes supprisingly smoothly, some more friends have been told. These few pictures got taken toward the end of the Bar-B-Que so bear in mind its been a good 12 hours since I got dressed and I hadn't done any touch-ups.


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