Thursday, June 6, 2002 (9:00pm)


I can't believe the way this day is turning out! Heck, it's not even that. It's more like today's the icing on the cake. Work lately...

It's getting really frustrating. As Head Cashiers, our biggest issue is usually the scheduling of the cashiers and especially the Head Cashiers ourselves. For some reason, The Powers That Be tend to schedule the cashiers into totally separate shifts. I mean, there will be two people scheduled from 9am - 1pm and another two scheduled from 1pm - 5pm. And of course, Murphy's Law being what it is, the second shift is rarely early. We count ourselves lucky when they're just "on time". You wouldn't think that would be a problem, but nope, it is. Because the 9am shift always wants to be out the door by 1pm, so we need to take their register drawers out early enough for them to leave on time. And we can't do both of them at the same time, so one has to come out even earlier. This leaves a significant gap between shifts. Now, if there's a mid-shift H.C., then one of us takes the two cashiers down and the other rings and prays that the line doesn't get too long.

Of course, that's nothing compared to what happens when the 1pm shift leaves by 5pm. More often than not, there's no one else coming in until 6pm or later. And this always seems to happen to me when there's no mid-shift H.C. So I have to call the Manager on Duty and send the cashiers back to them so that I can stay and ring.

I won't even go into how I never seem to have enough time to do all the extra stuff that goes into being an H.C. (I'll save that for some other time...possibly later in the entry.)

So, I already had issues. Well, now they're rearranging the department managers and well, what departments they manage. When we got forewarned about this on Tuesday, I was only kind of worried. I was REALLY hoping that they wouldn't move my Department Manager, Jenn, 'cause she's amazing. She knows what she's doing. She cares about the H.C.'s and what we need to do our jobs. If I weren't so upset, I could rave about her for longer.

Anyway, there are several people who I wouldn't have minded being our new department manager...Jess, Charlie, or Heather would have been great.

But no, why do what's good and sensible?

Instead, they decided to f**k us over. They put "Cammy" (inside joke) in charge of the cash room. The one manager who can't even get the employees out on time at night. I used to not mind that closing with her takes up to an extra half hour usually. After all, I get paid and it's overtime because it's a Sunday. And I need the money desperately. But when I started closing on other nights with other managers, I saw how things could go. I was always out by midnight, barring any financial crises. Heck, there were times when I was still out by 12:15 with crises and that was with the Store manager closing, so you know we weren't skimping on anything.

Being the nice person that I try to be, I tried to make excuses for this Sunday night ritual. After all, we never have enough employees to clean and close the store properly on Sunday nights. There's only one manager closing instead of two. And many of you can attest to my unflagging ability to try and defend the undefendable. It takes a lot for me to give up on someone. But it got harder and harder to explain away her closing methods. I think the final straw was when I closed on a Sunday night with the usual lacking number of employees, but with a different manager and we were done with the financial stuff by 11:45pm. This manager could do it, so why not "Cammy"????? And I've tried to speed things up, expedite the process. For instance, I get the deposit bags and the deposit slips written up before the sun even sets for the evening. I figure out how many tills will be needed for the rest of the night and make sure that all the unneeded ones are counted down for the night as soon as possible, so that I just have to take care of the last 3 or 4 closing drawers when we actually close. And trust me, this saves so much time now that I'm responsible for counting the tills and not her!

So Jenn sat me down before I left tonight and gave me the bad news. And I actually almost started crying. That's how bad this is. And you know one of the things that frustrated me about their logic? Apparently one of the potential new department managers they decided wasn't quite ready for all that came with running the cash instead they assign the manager who spends ALL HER TIME (and I'm not exaggerating!!) working on the schedule to be the one to deal with the extra responsibilities of the cash room. In fact, that's why they reassigned the cash room last fall!!!! They took it away from "Cammy" and gave it to Jenn!!! Nothing's changed so why are they doing this????

And of course, just to top things off, when I got home, I pulled into my spot. I opened the door and poked my head out to make sure I was all the way in the spot and on the way back in, I smacked my head on the door frame! And damn it, that hurt!!


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Copyright © 2002, Ruggerwoman
Revised: Friday, June 7, 2002

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