I want to get some pictures online from our fruit garden. The results this year have been phenomenal. The strawberry patch on the North-East boundary of our lot produced about 2 flats of lucious fruit. No spray, just fertilizer. hmmm yummy
The raspberry row is booming this year from previous prunning and they are lovely 6' high bushes with berries the size of my thumb. I want to make a raspberry vineager blended with the herbs in my baby herb garden. The leaves are an excellent uterine tonic when infused in a tea. Just what the doctor ordered for the pregnant one(yes, AGAIN!)
We have lovely and ancient cherry trees on the South-East corner of our house. This year I made only a few desserts because of time constraints but we are still enjoying the jam from last year's harvest.
I picked up some blueberry bushes this year and have high hopes for them in the future. And, small pointer, you need diferent varieties to get cross pollenization.
The plum tree still needs a mate but our pear trees are coming along nicely. I can't wait for fall
updated July 2001