Real Name: Phoenix
Birthday: March 23
Sign: Aries
Bloodtype: AB
Favorite Color: Red-orange
Hobbies: Teasing the Shadow Officers
Weakness: Water, Carbon monoxide
Strong Point: Manipulating fire
Dream: To become the Head Officer



Phoenix, who she is.

After returning from over seeing one of Chaos' temple constructions, Phoenix was assigned to join Glacia in the fight against the Senshi. Seeing that Glacia was her total opposite, they were constantly in each others faces. Phoenix sees herself as a strong leader. She likes to push people around. Her short temper also gets her into some jams. Most of which she needs to be rescued from.

At times she will disobey orders and go against Chaos. This hasnt happened much, seeing that Chaos can obliterate her. Instead, she'd take her agressions on one of the Shadow Officers... which is mostly Glacia. Over time, Phoenix learned to control her temper and use its negative energy to power up her attacks. Seeing that this produced tremendous results, she became a bit more bitchy. In turn, made her more dispised.


Attacks and Powers

Raging Fire Bird
Phoenix' strongest attack. Using the power of her temper, she engulfs herself in flames and creates bird made of fire about her body. She then launches into the air and swoops down in swift attacks, sending her enemy reeling from blows received by the wings of flame.

Flame Dance
This is her basic attack. She bows before her enemy and then spins in place. Flames begin to emit from her body and spiral in all directions, incinerating things upon contact.

Fire Whip
Her eyes glow with the fire within. She flips back and holds on hand in the air. She turns with her back facing you and holds the same hand out to the side. It begins to ignite in flames and spins back around swinging her arm forward as a whip of fire shoots forth.

Fire Wall
She shoots the ground with flames and raises her arms up. Upon raising them, the flames grow and separates herself from the enemy.


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