This is the page that holds all the Senshi's enemies. You'll remember them all as they have tried their best and failed at defeating the Senshi. Also, you'll see that there are new comers as well. Can they stop the Senshi?
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon
Dark Kingdom | Queen Beryl | Jadeite | Nephrite | Zoicite | Kunzite |
Black Moon | Wiseman | Rubeus & Emerald | Four Sisters | Diamond & Sapphire | Black Lady |
Death Busters | Professor Tomoe | Kaorinite | Witches 5 | Mistress 9 | Pharaoh 90 |
Dead Moon | Nepherenia | Zirconia | Amazon Trio | Amazon Quartet | Mirror Paredory |
Animamates | Galaxia | Iron Mouse | Aluminum Siren | Lead Crow | Tin Nyanko |
Sailormoon: The Forgotten Senshi