Ok in case you wonder what this 200 Q&A's thing is all about. it's just one of those email chainletter you sometimes get, with a varying amount of questions (but always a lot), which you are supposed to fill out and send on to your friends. I filled it out, but decided that instead of filling people's mailbox with it I'd put in on my page. That's it. I have no idea who made up the questions for this specific version of it, I hope whoever did, doesn't mind that I put it online here.

The questions were originally in German, but I made an English version. If any of the questions sound strange to you or don't make sense, it's because of my imperfect knowledge of the English language.

Besides reading my answers you can also download the questions here either in German or English (Word 97 documents), fill out the questionaire and email it to me! (Ok, I seriously doubt many people will do that, but it would be fun to get some answers from you :o).

Hier könnt ihr euch meine Fragen und Antworten in deutsch anschauen!

Hier könnt ihr euch die Fragen als Word-Dokument runterladen, dann ausfüllen und mir schicken!

Here you can read my questions and answers in English!

Here you can download the questions as a MS Word-file, fill it out and send it back to me!

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