Sample Report
Learn a career
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These classes will enable you to get a job. Whether you become expert is debatable, but you can get your foot in the door.
Restaurant Cook... This class gives a run-down of everything you will be questioned about when you apply for a job. It might even help you become a good cook even if you have no intentions of working at the trade. This will enable you to always have a good meal, even if you don't feel like going out. That alone is worth plenty. All bachelors are advised to take this class!
Home Repair - Handyman This course will enable you to make basic home repairs that you ordinarily pay huge sums of money to some handyman for doing. You can make good wages doing it, plus you can save big money doing the jobs around home that you normally farm out. Anyone who owns a home, or hopes to someday, should check this course out.
Word Processing If you ever wondered where all the typists went, this is the place. Anyone who is a good word processor can become a secretary. They might need to learn shorthand, but not always. This also can help you with that "Great American Novel" you always wanted to write. Word Processors and Secretaries make big money. It also makes you computer literate at least to a degree.
At this point you can vote for the class of your choice by sending an e-mail to me. Just say: "I vote for:" send to:
-Harley Sanders