


     Hello and welcome to my place! This is my first attempt at building a web page and  it’s not exactly what I had in mind but I’ll get there eventually.  If you’d like to know a little bit about me, check out my Bio page or you can read some of my poetry by clicking on that link.

     Please take a moment to read my Dedication page and feel free to drop me an e-mail and/or sign my guestbook to let me know what you think of the place. If you’d care to leave any comments or suggestions, I’ll send you a personal thank you. *smile*


October 18th, 2006

   Hi everyone! It's been two years and four days since I last updated this site. Time is a very expensive resource these days and I'm sad to say that this website is not at the top of my priority list. Hopefully life will slow down a bit and let me catch my breath and do some things that I want to do. I want to work on my art, photography and poetry and start to play music once again. Things that I have only had a small sampling of these past few years and enjoy very much. I'm currently living in Thailand. I miss America terribly and will be happy when I can finally go home. For now, I have removed all the old pages except for this one you're reading. I do want to build a new website featuring some of my hobbies and interests and a thought or two that may come to mind. But it will have to be "as time allows". Until then, I wish you the very best. Seeya around. *s*


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All poetry on this site is the creation of Rebecca Elizabeth Davis.
Reproduction in part or in whole, without express written permission
from the author, is prohibitied. Copyright 1998.