
The book
The movie
The stage play
The cook book
The sequel



The media

Starting with Gore Vidal's controversial best-seller, Myra Breckinridge has been a multimedia phenomenon. From the book have flowed a movie, a stage play, a cook book and a book sequel.

The book

Gore Vidal's 1968 novel was the beginning of Myra mania. With no advance publicity, the highly satirical story of a man-hating transsexual quickly became a sensational bestseller. Those who understood it were amused; those who didn't were shocked.


The book

The movie

Michael Sarne's 1970 film is unfairly derided as one of the worst movies ever made. Nearly impossible to find on video today, the Twentieth Century Fox film has become a cult classic.


The stage play

Gay porn pioneer Pat Rocco did a Myra spoof on stage in 1970 called Myra Breckinbitch.


The cook book

Dill dough buns, hare pie and fallatio all'arrabiata are just a few of the recipes in this 1970 collection by Howard Austen and Beverly Pepper.


The sequel

Gore Vidal published Myron in 1974. Myra and Myron fight for air time in this far less successful sequel.