I started doing this diary in June. If you haven't been following have a look at the Cast of Characters which gives a quick
low down on the essential day to day characters who are mentioned here...it will make more sense if you do.
The sun kind of came out today, for a while anyway and I made the most of it by getting out into the field and sawing to length the rails that had to span uneven lengths and going round the orchard there are lots of bends so there was a lot of rails needing to be cut. I had just finished that when Clare came round and we got about half the orchard area railed although by this time there was intermittent rain and even some ear stinging hail for a while and the temperature was dropping rapidly.
Well, it's the first day of November so I guess it's Winter now and I can feel the difference in the air and in the light. I also had to write a new month's worth of diary index but apart from that I haven't been at the computer much. Seems like the last few days or so instead of sitting on the computer whenever I have spare time I'm more inclined to be by the fire, sitting or lying, I am spending a lot of time training my arm at the moment but I'm also spending a lot of time just 'vagueing' out, drifting, sometimes falling asleep. I lay on the floor in there thi sevening and put on one sentimental country singer after another, I listened to Emmy Lou Harris, Suzy Bogus, kd lang, (Absolut, twice) and then Nanci Grifiths. I would have gone on but then it was dinner time.
After a week of 'allowing' myself to not have to socialise I have realised what feels wrong; now I'm lonely, I actually want company. But in order to have company, to be in company I have to learn sociable behaviour - oh, and a whole lot more besides no doubt.
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