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Chapter 14: Glossary

Most of these are, I suppose, my own interpretations drawn from personal experience. You may disagree here and there.

TG (transgender) : Transgendered is a general term adopted by many who are actually fed up with endless classifications - such as these! - which can only be applied specifically to a few. The problem lies, I think, in that where a term like 'transsexual' or 'transvestite' is used to generalise certain behaviours/conditions to assist with communication, unfortunately these generalisations get applied back to individuals, where there are many degrees of difference and overlap.
TV/Tranny (transvestite) : Transvestites, usually, are not interested in gender re-assignment, and are in fact quite happy being the gender they appear to be in everyday life. Mainly in private, however, they enjoy the sheer pleasure derived from the taboo of wearing clothes more usually associated with the opposite gender. The reasons for this may be sexual, and may be shared with partners (if lucky), or with others of the same gender having a similar interest - although they would not consider themselves 'gay' in a lot of cases. There are some also who dress just for the fun of it, or the release from pressures of gender sterotyping, and in some cases, there is no sexual side to this. Another generalisation, I know, but from experience MTF TVs tend to dress more 'sensationally' than say TSs.
TS (transsexual) : Transsexuals are individuals who have chosen to undertake a course of action which will enable them to re-assign to a gender other than that which they were apparently born into. This may start with diagnosis of gender dysphoria, leading to gender re-assignment therapy - hormone treatment, electrolysis, voice training, etc - leading to a 'life trial' and, if appropriate or desired, GRS. TSs are often further categorised as 'pre-op' or 'post-op'. A MTF TSs appearance as female tends to be more subtle than a TV, even understated, as a TS would not want to draw unwanted attention to herself, but to blend in with everyday life.
CD (cross-dresser) : Cross-dressing really covers anyone who wears clothes more usually associated with their opposite gender. This just about covers everything from TV, TS, fashion victim, therapeutic benefit, to gender warrior! :)

Bi (bi-sexual) : Bi refers to someone who is attracted to both men and women. Not as straightforward as it seems, because if a pre-op MTF TS considers herself female, then is her boyfriend hetero or bi? Who cares, just as long as they love each other.
Gender dysphoria : Gender Dysphoria, or Gender Identity Disorder, is a recognised medical condition where a person's percieved gender doesn't match with their physical gender. In extreme cases, a person may undergo GRS to alter their physical appearance to more closely resemble their preferred gender identity.
SRS/GRS (Sex/Gender Re-assignment Surgery) : what do you think? Inaccurately referred to as 'sex-change' by the tacky tabloids. A search on the net for this subject will tell you more than I could.
Confused? : I am - look out for Shemales, Drag Queens, HeShes, Hermaphrodites, Female Impersonators, Gender Benders, Ladyboys, etc.

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