
Pieces of the puzzle

'Tis a puzzlement!
Yes, bondage is a puzzlement!
This page and the pages to follow are my guide for bondage. They are about the scariest part of bondage... Getting
How in the world can getting tied up be fun? More to the point, how is it possible for it to be this much fun?

This is about bondage.
Gulp! Ok, for this part maybe we need to break off into groups.
Bondage means getting tied up! What does getting tied up mean?

We've already talked about trust. If you don't trust your lover enough to let him tie you up then why are you messing with him? You are already giving him access to your heart, aren't you?

At this point i am assuming that the problem is what it's going to feel like. i had thought of going through everything that could be used to tie one of us up and detail what it feels like. That would be a long drawn out affair and if i wrote it you'd never read it all anyway.

Maybe a little Show-and-Tell would work here - a demonstration. Do you have one of those hair schrunchies with you? A rubber band will do. We are going to do some bondage right now. If he's reading this with you then ask him to please let you do this alone.

Ok, is he gone yet? Maybe you decided it wouldn't make you nervious if he stayed. Either way is alright, but we are gonna talk girl talk. There's not going to be any sex or exposed bodies. Are you ready?

Take the rubber band or whatever you found and slip your wrists inside of it. If it's too loose then twist your wrists to tighten it up a little. Don't get it so tight that it pops and hits you on the nose or something. Stop here and do this before reading on.

Short interlude of music...
Tied up? Ok, good. The perverbial "captive audiance"!
Now we can talk. This is being written as the site crosses the quarter million mark. If i get another quarter of a million visitors and half are women and they come to this page does that mean i'll be reasponsable for over 100,000 women being tied up? Whew! i'll try to treat this with the gravety it deserves...
How are we doing so far?
Probably a mild rush of sensations, right? No sweat. We are just going to talk. Please do not remove whatever you used to wrap around your wrists. The biggest thing i'm going to ask you to do is use your hands to operate the mouse. You are there and i'm here, no one will ever know if you did this or not. You will though and that's the main reason why you should really have your hands at least held together. You are just experimenting...

Opps we have a hand raised at the back of the room - i mean a pair of hands. Yes?
"Why aren't your hands tied?

Better? Picky crowd!
Now let's imagine a scene....
i'm serious!

You are home and he's with you. Both of you have drank a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snugled on the couch and it's a good time for bed. He's been romantic, but he's not made the big moves on you that you wanted. You're not sure if this is going to turn into a night of love making or if you are just going to have to settle on some sleep.

You go to the bedroom and put on something slinky. As you grab for your hair brush you knock a hair scrunchie on the floor. You pick it up and playfully put it around your wrists and add a twist. Before you can change your mind you go back into the front room where he's waiting...

Hello? There he sits.
You stand in front of him and giggle nerviously.
He looks up. It's that situation where he's going to say something nice. You know it and he knows it. He starts to say it and suddenly his jaw goes slack. You know he's noticed the hair scrunchie. You feel a little worried about how he will react, but his face tells you that he likes what he sees, that his hormones have just kicked in. You giggle.

He is stammering valiantly as you go to the couch where he is trying to find his composure. Having your hands held together feels awkward and you are not sure how to sit down beside him so you get on your knees and reach out to hold one of his hands with both of yours. Your eyes find his. The touch is electric!

He grabs you by the upper arms and pulls you close enough to plant a kiss that speaks of desire. You feel what it truely feels like to be a woman in a man's arms as helpless as only desire can make you and gratified that he is just as helpless to his needs as you are.

You swoon in his arms and the rest is a dizzy memory until later when you find yourself in bed with him. It has been good and you are satisfied as he drifts off to sleep. In the afterglow you find that your hands are still held by the scrunchie, but you don't take it off as you bask in touching him as he sleeps. You may need the scruchie to do it's thing in the morning - and not in your hair!

Safe, sane, and consensual? Yes! Bondage can really be " Safe Sane and consensual".
That's bondage and that's what it feels like to be tied up!
Somehow there are roles that are built into us. i'm referring to the female role and the male role. Bondage heightens these roles. You feel more like a woman and he feels more like a man - and sex feels a lot better!

Sometimes you may even want to switch roles... if it's Consensual.

You can get untied now - if you want. Bondage can really be " Safe Sane and consensual".
In bondage even the small things can be important - like keys.
Ok, i described a bondage scene. Very sweet and kinda mild. The more you do the better it gets, but that doesn't mean you have to start saving to have a dugeon built in the basement. There is so much to do in bondage which is nice because you don't ever have to worry about running out of things to do. It's not a competition though. You don't have to keep taking great big steps to get to the end. Find your level and kinda hang there for awhile. You and your lover.

It all depends on how you and your partner feel about it.
You can even try your hands behind your back... Different levels, different directions.
New level, new direction.
You have been doing tie up games with your lover for awhile. One day you have him tie your hands behind you and then he tells you that he's going to tickle you!

First there's surprise then the feeling of being helpless and then a feeling of it being unfair! Then he tickles you and you begin to giggle.

You feel a sense of determination to either get away or somehow tickle him just as much as he's tickeling you. The atmosphere is one of play and that's what bondage is too, play, adult play.

Finally you realize that you can't stop him and the fact that you want to stop him combines to give you a sensation of giving up. Giving up into the arms of someone who loves you. Talk about sweet surender!

THE LEVEL: More stringent. Your hands are behind you and he tied you up instead of tying yourself up for him.
THE DIRECTION: Playful. Sometimes bondage lets you be the child and sometimes you can be the bad girl - plus a million other possibilities!
Are we having fun yet? Bondage is acting out!
Ok, everybody get untied! Let's get ready to join the other group. Smoke a cigarette if that's what you do and straighten up a bit.

We've had some fun talking (and doing) and maybe we have shared a bit. You have learned that bondage doesn't mean getting chained to the wall of a dungeon and being whipped raw. It can, but that's only a fantasy. Few people go that far - if any. If your lover tied you up and hurt you then you wouldn't want him to tie you up any more - and he knows that. Big surprise, men will treat you as good as they normally do or better when you are tied up than when you aren't! That's what the other group is discussing. Join them and me as soon as you are ready.

Bondage. If i could bottle it and sell it i'd be a rich slave!

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Bondage 'tis a puzzlement!
i know!

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