Shuttle Retransmission Frequency Addition/Correction Form

Use this form to update the Space Shuttle Frequency Directory information. All submissions will be acknowledged, and I'll put your name in lights on the directory page.

Your name: Amateur callsign:

Your e-mail:

Enter the city and state from which the NASA signal is retransmitted. This is usually the location of the repeater. In some cases where the repeater is located out in the sticks on a summit at 14,000 feet with a huge coverage area, indicate the largest city in the coverage area. If it's a linked repeater system, indicate the location of the particular repeater, and describe the coverage area or links in the Comments area below.

City: State:

Enter the frequency, callsign of the retransmitting station, name or callsign of the sponsor group/individual, and any comments or information you would like to appear with the listing.

Frequency: Repeater/Station Callsign:

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Press the "Submit" button to update this information, press the "Reset" button to clear the form and submit another update.

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