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    1. Attendance at meetings is mandatory.
    2. Any member missing two consecutive meetings without a valid excuse
        (Advisor, or Associate Advisor to determine this) shall receive 5 demerits.
    3. Attendance at functions is mandatory.  To be excused, a member may arrange         the absence with his / her superior officer.  Failure to do so will result in
        5 demerits that = 1 point.  The receiving of 3 points will result in the
        Explorer being brought up in front of an Advisor review board.
    4. If a member must work on a meeting night or on the weekend of a function,
        it is the responsibility of the explorer to notify there Lieutenant prior to the
        function.  If this is not followed, it may result in 5 demerits.
    5. No meeting shall be held without the Advisor or Associate Advisor present.
    6. No misconduct will be tolerated in the Fire Station during or after meetings.
        In the result of misconduct 5 demerits will be issued.
    7. Non-attendance, tardiness, or leaving any meeting or function without
        informing the advisor is grounds for assigning demerits or DISMISSAL.

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