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    1. Only after completing orientation and medical training, shall the Explorer
        have the privilege of riding.
    2. A) Assignment for riding will be issued by the Deputy Chief of Operations.
        B) Explorers shall ride a maximum of 14 hours and minimum of 2 hours per
            shift unless special permission is obtained from the Advisor.
        C) Explorers must ride no less then 6 hours per month of face dismissal from
        D) No Explorer will be allowed to ride, as an Explorer, if he or she is not
            on the current ride schedule.
        E) Explorers not on the current ride schedule, may request ride time through
            the Head Advisor and that request will only be granted if all copies
            of the ride schedule can be modified.
    3. While riding, Explorers shall stay within the station designated areas.
    4. No Explorer will be allowed in any sleeping quarters. (Unless to complete
        rookie duties)
    5. No Explorer will be allowed to ride if his / her grade point average falls
        below 2.0 or he / she is failing any subject.
    6. Explorers will ride at the stations at which an Advisor is assigned.
    7. If, for any reason, the Explorer cannot meet his / her assignment time,
        he / she must notify Advisor, Lt. Bryan Hack, or the Lt. at station #2 not
        less then 4hrs. prior to the beginning of the tour.
    8. When any member needs to contact station # 2 for any reason, the
        notification shall be made between 0715 hours and 2200 hours, and will
        address a Lt. only.
    9. If the Explorer fails to log 6 hours or more per month he / she shall
        receive 5 demerits .

    1. Call Lieutenant at Station #2.
    2. Arrive 5-10 minutes early.
    3. Contact the Lieutenant, let he / she know that you have arrived.
    4. Stow your gear on the truck, then check your S.C.B.A.
    5. Get with the Fire Fighters and help complete rookie duties .
    6. Get with the Driver and help with checking out the truck.
    7. DO NOT sit around and watch T.V.!!  Constantly stay busy!!
            A) Study
            B) Complete required drills (refer to Drill Book)
            C) Clean
            D) Ask Lieutenant for assignment.

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