For more than 15 years, the Mountaineers at Ohio State have held a rock climbing course during the fall and spring quarters to provide its members with the opportunity to experience the adventure and excitement of climbing. The course is designed to take the beginning climber through basic, intermediate and advanced skills. The class progressively moves from topics of standard top-roping and rappelling to the seconding of a lead climber. It meets during the week for five weeks in Mendenhall Lab, and the following Saturdays or Sundays at 9 am on the High St. side of the Union, to go climbing around central Ohio. At the end of the five week course, there will be a graduation trip to Seneca Rocks, West Virginia, for an incrediable multipitch climbing experience. All members of the club are invited to participate in the climbing course, regardless of climbing experience. Those members who have taken the course previously or are avid climbers are invited to get involved in assisting in the classroom and weekend activities. There is no cost for the course, however, you must be a paid member to participate. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jeff Suchy or drop in on our next club meeting.

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