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Our Troop took two Treks (18 people) to Philmont in late June 1998.  These three web pages are sort of a "best-of" excerpt of our Collective Troop 674 CD, which has pictures from 9 different crew members.   Each of these pictures are "thumb-nails", click on them for full size versions of the pictures.

On the way to Philmont, we stopped at Independence Missouri, Harry S Truman's home town.  We stopped to visit a reconstructed fort: "Bent's Old Fort", just 8 miles east of La Junta, Colorado.  In La Junta Colorado, we stayed in the Koshare Indian Kiva.  The Koshare Indian dancers are nationally renown for their dance and costumes.  We were treated to a private tour of their costuming area, as well as the Kiva itself; we shared the Kiva that night with another Troop also on the way to Philmont.

After leaving La Junta, we stopped at a military firing range where there was a tank for the boys to clamber on.  The temperature here must have dropped 30 degrees - which felt pretty good after the 90+ the day before.

Arriving at Philmont basecamp, we were assigned equipment, and prepared to hit the trail the next day.  Brian Williams was the L1 crew Ranger, John Campbell was the L2 crew Ranger.  These young men were to be our mentors for the next 3 days, as they prepared us for the rigors of life on the Philmont trails.  We were lucky to have these men as our Rangers, each did a wonderful job.

First night on the trail we spent at Bent Camp, where we learned how to cook the Philmont way, and to hang our Bear Bags.  Next night we spent a Dan Beard the northern most camp in Philmont, the next five days we would spend in the Valle Vidal, National Forest land - we would have to find our own bear bag trees - no permanent bear lines in the Valle.  We also left the luxury of the "Red Roof Inns" behind, and learned how to dig Cat holes.

This would be our last night with our Rangers, they'd be heading back to base camp in the morning;  many in our crews were sad to lose their new friends.   We exchanged E-Mail addresses, and our Thanks, and we gave each of our Rangers a Troop 674 crew T-Shirt to remember us by.


Both crews attended morning services before heading out.
Picture by Dick Johnson
Bent's old fort
picture by Jeff Potter
Both crews at Bent's old Fort
View of the Kiva at La Junta where we spent the night.
Picture from brochure
kiva.jpg (75006 bytes)
Playing on a tank at the Army Artillery range, north of Philmont.
Picture by Dick Johnson
View of Urraca mesa from Base camp.  Those tents are supposed to be green!  
Picture by Alan Barker
Dusty basecamp
Tooth from basecamp
picture by Justin Diller
Yea olde Tooth of Time

Before each meal at base camp, the Rangers would entertain us.... because:

"We LIKE to HIKE!"
Picture by Robert Tighe

Range tales
Crossing the first bridge...
Picture by Dick Johnson
First hiking day
L2 crew at Bent Camp.  Just finished our first freeze dryed dinner, and the rain lets up on us.  Things are looking up.
Picture by Alan Barker
bent1.jpg (85470 bytes)
Good bye to Ranger John
picture by Rick smith
Goodby John
Jason Woods belaying Justin Diller on the spar pole climbing event at Pueblano.
Picture by Alan Barker
Spar Pole Climbing

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"I wanna go back to Philmont."


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Website Owner Alan Barker
Philring Owner: Jason A. Cotting
Philring is an Anvilheaded Production

    Page last updated on: Thursday, August 23, 2001