
  20th Australian Jamboree
This is to be held in Adelaide in 2004! More information still to come.

Extreme Venture
Held in 2003 to be held in Canberra. Visit the official website.

Extreme Venture

20th World Jamboree
This time it is to be held in Thailand!

12th Asia-Pacific/15th Australian Rover Moot
Held between 27 Dec 2001 and 6 Jan 2002. Visit the official website.
Past Jamborees
AJ 2001
19th Australian / 22 Asia Pacific Jamboree
Held in Sydney over the 2000 - 2001 christmas period.One Moruya Scout attended and had a terrific time!
Venture 2000
Held on the Victorian surf coast for 10 days over 1999 - 2000 christmas holidays. One Moruya Venturer went and loved it.
Venture 2000
19th World Jamboree
Held in Mondial, Chile in 1999, many Venturers have told us how great it was, making us very keen to go to the next world jamboree.


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