Trip to Davis

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Davis Pics
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Paintball Pics
Rafting Pics
Rafting Pics
Halloween Pics
Halloween Pics

Around Campus

Hey! What's going on?

Kicking back.

Thao and I hitching a ride in the electric car.

JJ paints a beautiful portrait.

In/Near Buildings

Otto on top of the statue's head. Oops...on chin instead.

Otto picking the statue's nose.

Otto prying open the statue's mouth.

The Geeks. Hehe...

Playing the blues with the cool man, JJ.

Cuong, Otto, & Tom taking a break.

Can't resist an exquisite masterpiece.

Otto up a tree, resembling a Koala Bear.


On board a ship. Not the Titanic!!!

Capital State Building

End of the Day

Gimme a kiss!

No more kiss.

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