Here's your chance to share your ideas!
We'd like to hear from you about ways that all of us together can make
a new year of Girl Scouting an even greater experience.
Here are some examples of ideas that you could bring to our meeting.
Community Service Activities
We would also like to hear your thoughts about
:This year's product sales (magazines and cookies)
When- Thursday April 9th from 7 PM- ?
Where- Siloam Fellowship
Bring- Yourselves and your ideas!
And...Summer Camp Folders
-This will give you a chance to coordinate sign-ups for Summer Residence Camp. Many of the girls earned CAGS Bucks this year, and it would be a shame to let them go to waste. When registering, the girls can pick another girl to tent with. This makes the experience even greater! Get together with your daughter and discuss what session she may be interested in attending. Then you can talk to the other parents, so that the girls can go together!
Early Bird Registration
for Summer Camp is May 1st! Girls that register by that date get an additional $5.oo off!