Coyote Hunting

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  Calling Coyotes:  To call coyotes I like to use a jackrabbit in      distress  call.  To locate the coyotes I drive around in my pickup well before
  sunrise, and use a coyote howler.  Once I have located a coyote I
hide my truck and setup there.

The Jackrabbit

It was about 5 a.m. and I was out howling for coyotes, when finally one howled back.  I got out of my pickup and setup.  Once daylight appeared the coyote stopped howling.  About 20 minutes went by and I was still blowing my Circe Jackrabbit distress call , when i spotted a jack running at about 250 yards.  I thought that the coyote was gone for good so I leveled the crosshairs on his back and squeezed.  He dropped.  All of the sudden the coyote burst out of a grove of trees and pounced  on the jack.  That was a big mistake i got them both.

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