Visit Blue Springs, the home of the Gilwell Reunion, and home to many memories to many, many Scouters.

Last Elgin Gilwell Minutes

Info on upcoming re-union

Cookbook for spicy foods to enjoy at your campsite or wherever

 Take a pictorial tour of past Gilwell re-unions

Welcome to the Elgin Gilwellian Page

Gilwell is the name given to any place where Scouting's Wood Badge training takes place. Gilwell is like Brigadoon or Camelot...a temporary place in time...and then it's gone, back to being Camp Runamuck or any one of a hundred places where Scouting happens each day, every day. Wood Badgers, having climbed the mountain, return to their councils, districts and sections to share the dream.

If you have any ideas on what you'd like to see on this page, drop me a line.

We still working on  lashing everything together!  Your ideas are welcome!

Looking for Gilwell Park's home page? Click here.


Here is a great page to visit for songs, skits, background info, etc.  Just click on the campfire.