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The Lord Baden-Powell Award
For Scouting Excellence
On The World-Wide-Web
International Service Qualifiers  
"... in developing national aspirations there is always the danger of becoming narrow and jealous of other nations. Unless we avoid this we bring about the very evil we are anxious to escape. Fortunately in the Scout Movement we have Brother Scouts organised in almost every civilised country in the world, and we have formed already the tangible nucleus of a World Brotherhood."

Lord Robert Baden-Powell

Three Fleur Criteria
To earn our 'flagship' Award, the Three Fleur, candidate Web-sites must exhibit all of the standard evaluation criteria in addition to any or all of the following International Service attributes:

  1. International Brotherhood / Sisterhood - Candidate Websites should focus on international brotherhood and/or sisterhood in Scouting and Guiding! Candidate sites should express 'ambassadorship,' and should offer a bit of 'who they are and what they do' to the international Scouting and Guiding communities. This should be expressed in such a fashion that the Internet and World-Wide-Web either enhance the service, or make it possible in the first place.

    and / or

  2. Multi-lingual / Multi-national - Sites publishing selected pages in two or more languages, and/or that focus on linking members globally, via 'rings,' reciprocal linking, 'Pen-Pal' programs, IRC, etc. are strong candidates.

    and / or

  3. Content of International Import - Web-sites that publish 'extensive' and / or 'unique' Scouting (Guiding) content that is of interest to program members in countries outside of their own will be considered as qualifying under this criteria.


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