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My Natural Earache Remedies

by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener

    Eucalyptus for EaracheHere are my family's favorite home remedies for earache. I have found them all to be effective and easy to use.


      The information in this article is not meant to replace medical advice. I am merely sharing my family's home remedies which I have found to be effective in treating outer ear infections. Other articles about earache are linked below.

    Natural Remedies

      Here are remedies for outer ear infections which have worked for me. I am listing them in the order in which I consider them most effective. Drop these remedies directly into the ear and add some cotton batten to prevent them from running out.

      Ecalyptus, Silver Princess

    • Wonder Oil which is a patent medicine registered by a Winnipeg pharmacist. It contains eucalyptus oil. I got to know this remedy 45 years ago, and it is still my favorite. I know from friends that it is generally available in Canadian pharmacies and would love to hear you are able to find it in other countries as well. I certainly recommend looking for it. It has other applications as well and the smell is most pleasant.

      Caution: A websearch for Wonder Oil reveals that there are various products by that name. The one I am talking about may only be available in Canada, especially in Manitoba. It is a clear liquid in a small cheap retangular bottle, and it is very reasonable in price. The ones I found on the Internet are very expensive.

    • Vitamin E straight out of a pierced capsule, a very powerful healing agent.

    • Vitamin A derived from fish liver oil, straight out of a pierced capsule, a very powerful antidote for any kind of infection. A combination of vitamin A and D is fine, too. Straight cod liver oil will do when the more concentrated capsules are not available.

    • Rubbing alcohol or strong drinkable hard liquor. In my childhood, this was my family's favorite remedy.

    • Garlic oil straight out of a capsule. This remedy was recommended by my favorite family physician. I suspect that garlic juice would have much the same effect, but I have not tried it. I rarely get earaches any more, because I am careful on the preventative end.

      Keep the ear warm with a hot water bottle or an infrared heat lamp. Do not use an electric heating pad except to make yogurt. It changes the electromagnetic field around your body and causes abnormal bleeding. The infrared heat lamp is the most effective, because the infrared frequency promotes healing. It is prescribed by German naturopaths to heal injured and inflamed joints and muscles. Even though the lamps used to be very expensive, they were found in many German homes. They were also available for rent. We can now buy infrared bulbs and screw them into an ordinary electric socket. The least expensive ones are sold as heaters for hatching chicks.

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