(Boyle MLP 588-915)

Period of Monastic Culture (ca. A.D. 500-1200)

General Studies: Opere generali

Gasparri, F., 'Enseignements et techniques de l'écriture du Moyen-Age a la fin du XVIe siècle', Scrittura e civiltà 7 (1983) 201-22.
Bischoff, B. and Brown, V., 'Addenda to Codices Latini Antiquiores', Mediaeval Studies 47 (1985) 317-66.
Dall'eremo al cenobio. La civiltà monastica in Italia dalle origini all'età di Dante, ed. G. Pugliese Carratelli (Milano 1986). Essays by C. Bertelli, G. Cavallo, F. Troncarelli.
Ferrari, Michele 'In margine ai Codices Latini Antiquiores: spigolature ambrosiane del secolo VIII' in Lateinische Kultur im VIII Jahrhundert, Traubes Gedenkschrift, ed. A. Lerner and W. Berschin (St. Ottilien 1989) 59-78.
Bischoff, B., Brown, V. and John, J. J., 'Addenda to Codices Latini Antiquiores (II), Mediaeval Studies 54 (1992) 286-307. Three new fragments and nine membra disiecta, two described in 2908.
Quacquarelli, A., 'Il lavoro dei copisti e delle copiste nei monasteri prebenedettini' in Retorica patristica e sue istituzioni interdisciplinari (Roma 1995) 197-219.
Leér y escribir en Occidente, Valencia 14-18 junio 1993, ed. F. Gimeno Blay (Valencia 1995).
La Bibbia nel Medioevo, eds. C. Cremascoli and C. Leonardi (Bologna 1996).

Pre-Carolingian: Hiberno-Insular/Precarolingia: iberno-insulare (to ca. 1600)

(Boyle MLP 600-692)

This section includes texts written on the Continent in Insular script.

General (Boyle MLP 600-613)

Die Iren in Europa im frühen Mittelalter, H. Loewe, ed., vols. I-III(Stuttgart 1982).
Esposito, Mario, Irish Books and Learning in Medieval Europe, ed. M. Lapidge (Aldershot 1990)
Brown, T. J., A Palaeographer's View. The Selected Writings of T. . Brown (London 1993). Click on the MENESTREL website at for the introductory essay, 'What is Palaeography?'
O'Sullivan, W. 'Insular Calligraphy: Current State and Problems' in Peritia 4 (1985) 346-59.
Stevick, R.D., The Earliest Irish and English Bookarts: Visual and Poetic Forms before A. D. 1000 (Philadelphia 1994).
Herren, Michael W. Latin Letters in Early Christian Ireland (Aldershot 1996).

Scripts and scriptoria/Centri di scrittura (Boyle MLP 614-685)

Henderson, G. From Durrow to Kells. The Insular Gospel-Books, 650-800 (London 1987).
The Book of Kells: Proceedings of a Conference at Trinity College Dublin, 6-9 September 1992, ed. F. O'Mahony (Aldershot 1994).
Meyvaert, Paul, ‘The Book of Kells and Iona’, Art Bulletin LXXI(1989) 6-19.
Von Euw, A. Das Buch von Kells (Karlsruhe 1990).
Gorman, Michael A., ‘Critique of Bischoff’s Theory of Irish Exegesis. The Commentary on Genesis in Munich CLM 6302 (Wendepunkte 2),’ The Journal of Medieval Latin 7(1997) 178-233.

Welsh and Breton Scriptoria
(Boyle MLP 686-692)

Ireland and Northern France A.D. 600-850, J.-M. Picard, ed.(Dublin 1991). With essays by C. Doherty, L. Holtz, B. Merdrignac.

Pre-Carolingian: Anglo-Insular/Pre-carolina: anglo-insulare (to ca. 800)

(Boyle MLP 693-758)


Brown, Michelle, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts (Toronto-Buffalo 1991).
Bischoff, Bernhard and Lapidge, Michael, eds., Biblical Commentaries from the Canterbury School of Theodore and Hadrian (Cambridge 1994). 2927
Tedeschi, C., 'Osservazioni sulla paleografia delle iscrizioni britanniche paleocristiane (V-VI secolo)', Scrittura e civiltà 19 (1995) 67-122.
Ohlgren, T. H., Insular and Anglo-Saxon Illuminated Manuscripts: An Iconographic Catalogue ca. A. D. 625 to 1100 (New York-London 1986).

Scripts and scriptoria

Dumville, David, 'English Square Minuscule Script: The Background and Earliest Phases', Anglo-Saxon England 16 (1987) 147-79.
Karen Corsano, 'The First Quire of the Codex Amiatinus and the Institutiones,' Scriptorium 41 (1987) 3-34. Argues against the direct derivation of the Amiatinus from the Vivarian codex grandior, but see Marsden 2930b for a broader perspective and Meyvaert 3366 for th full story.
Marsden, 'Job in His Place: The Ezra Miniature in the Codex Amiatinus,' Scriptorium 49 (1995) 3-15. This painstaking reading of the Ezra-Cassiodorus illumination in the Amiatinus confirms the derivation of the codex from a Vivarian archetype.
Muir, B. J., 'Watching the Exeter Book Scribe Copy Old English and Latin Texts', Manuscripta 35 (1991) 3-22.
Gameson, R., 'The Royal I.B.VII Gospels and English Book Production in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries' in The Early Medieval Bible. Its Production, Decoration and Use, R. Gameson, ed. (Cambridge 1994) 24-52.
O'Sullivan, W., 'The Lindisfarne Scriptorium: For and Against,' Peritia 8 (1994) 80-94.

Pre-Carolingian: Visigothic (to ca. 1200)/Centri di scrittura visigotica (fino al 1200 circa)
(Boyle MLP 760-781)

Arturo y Perucho , J. 'Escritura visigòtica y escritura carolina en el contexto cultural de la cataluña del siglo IX', Memoria Ecclesiae 2 (1991) 33-44.
Puigvert, Gemma, 'El manuscrito Vat. Reg. Lat. 123 y su posible adscripcion al Scriptorium de Santa Maria de Ripoll' in (2699) vol. 3 pp. 285-316.
Díaz y Díaz, M., Libros y librearias en la Rioja altomedieval (Logrño 1993).
Díaz y Díaz, M. C. Manuscritos visigòticos del Sur de la Península. Ensayo de distribuciòn regional (Sevilla 1995).
Gorman, Michael, 'The Visigothic Commentary on Genesis in MS. Autun 27 (S.29)', Recherches Augustiniennes 30 (1997) 167-276.
Gorman, Michael, 'The Diagrams in the Oldest Manuscripts of Isidore's De natura rerum', Revue Bénédictine 110 (2000).
Azevedo Santos, M. J. Da visigoda a carolina: a escrita em Portugal de 882 a 1172 (Coimbra 1988).

Pre-Carolingian: Italy/Centri di scrittura in Italia
(Boyle MLP 792-867)


Cavallo, G., and Magistrale, F., 'Libri e scritture del diritto nell'età di Giustiniano', in Il mondo del diritto nell'epoca giustinianea, Ravenna 30 settembre-1 ottobre 1984 (Ravenna 1984) 43-50.
Petrucci, Armando and Romeo, C., 'Scriptores in urbibus.' Alfabetismo e cultura scritta nell'Italia altomedievale (Bologna 1992).

Italy (chiefly North): Italia (principalmente settentrionale)

Scripts and scriptoria: centri di scrittura (Boyle MLP 803-829)

Themelly, A. 'Un codice bobbiese del IX secolo tra influssi insulari e rinascenza carolingia: osservazioni sul ms. ambrosiano D 30 inf.', Romano Barbarica 13 (1995/1995) 145-162.
Petrucci, Armando, 'Un altro codice della bottega di Viliaric' in Studi offerti a Roberto Ridolfi (Firenze 1984) 399-406.
Radiciotti, Paolo, 'La scrittura del Liber Pontificalis nel codice bobbiese IV.A.8 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli,' in Parrhasiana II (Napoli 2002) 79-101. Plates. Proposes to date the Liber Pontificalis (fols. 40-47) to the mid-eighth century on grounds of generic similarities with other documents listed on p. 89 note 28, and also because (in the author's view) the parchment for Bobbio palimpsests could only come from Ravenna libraries sacked by the Lombards in A.D. 728-729 and 752-754. But see among others 595, 803, 809, 810, 1799, and Jannelli's catalogue.
Radiciotti, Paolo, 'Un codice ravennate testimone di un modello di integrazione fallito,' Scrittura e civiltà 16 (1992) 305-312. Identifies the subscription in codex Paris BN lat. 2235 fol. 131v as that of Anicius Faustus Albinus Basilius Iunior, consul in A.D. 541.
2941a (1029)
Palma, Marco, 'Nonantola e il Sud. Contributo alla storia della scrittura latina libraria nell'Italia dell'ottavo secolo,' Scrittura e Civiltà 3 (1979) 77-88.

South Italy (chiefly Beneventan to ca. 1200)/Italia meridionale (principalmente beneventana fino al 1200 circa)


Scrittura e produzione documentaria nel Mezzogiorno longobardo, Cava dei Tirreni 3-5 ottobre 1990, eds G. Vitolo and F. Mottola (Cava 1991). Includes essays by A. Pratesi, F. Magistrale, P. Cherubini, V. Matera, G. Orofino, F. D'Oria, M. Galante, V. Pace, P. Cordasco, G. Vitolo, C. Tristano.

Scripts and scriptoria: centri di scrittura (Boyle MLP 836-867)

Cuppo Csaki, Luciana, 'De schematibus et tropis in Italian garb: a study of Bamberg Msc. Class. 43' in Latin Grammar and Rhetoric, ed. Carol D. Lanham (London 2002) 92-108. Argues that Bamberg 43 was written in a Roman scriptorium ca. A. D. 800.
Cuppo Csaki, Luciana, 'Roma magistra historiae: The Year 680 as Caput Saeculi in Cas. 641' in (2699) vol. 1 pp. 121-136. The landmarks of Easter observance noted on the list of emperors in the codices Rome, Cas. 641, Cologne, Dombibliothek 103, and Berlin, Phillips 1830 reflect the ideology of a common sixth-century archetype from Vivarium.
Tedeschi, C. 'L’onciale usuale a Roma e nell’area romana in alcune iscrizioni graffite,'Scrittura e civiltà 16 (1992) 313-330.
Babcock, Robert Gary, 'A Papyrus Codex of Gregory the Great's Forty Homilies on the Gospels (London, Cotton Titus C. XV),' Scriptorium 54/2 (2000) 280-289. Identifies the 'fragmentum operis incerti' of CLA 2.192 as a fragment of Gregory's Forty Homilies. Possibly the oldest manuscript of that work and one of the books that came to England with Gregory's missionaries.
Condello, Emma Una scrittura e un territorio. L'onciale dei secoli V-VIII nell'Italia meridionale (Spoleto 1994).
Folliet, G. ‘Le plus ancien témoin du De gratia et libero arbitrio et du De correptione et gratia de saint Augustin (BN lat. 12205)’, Scriptorium 50 (1996) 98-105. See MLP 902 on the same manuscript.
Mallet, J., and Thibaut, A., Les manuscrits en écriture bénéventaine de la Bibliothèque capitulaire de Bénévent. Vol. 1 (Paris 1984), vol. 2 (Turnhout 1997).
Brown, Virginia, 'A second new list of Beneventan manuscripts (IV)' in Mediaeval Studies 61 (1999) 325-392. Continues Lowe MLP 856 and Brown MLP 841, PLM 2352, and 2353.
Brown, Virginia, 'Homiletic Setting and a New Witness to Redaction I of the Visio Sancti Pauli: Funeral Sermons in Beneventan Script (Vat. Borghese 86)' in (2699) vol. 1 pp. 71-88.
Reynolds, R. E., 'A Homily in Beneventan Script on the Sacred Orders, Canonical Hours, and Clerical Vestments (Vat. Borghese 86) in (2699) vol. 2 pp. 711-724.
Palma, Marco, 'Die patristischen Glossen des neapolitanischen Geistlichen Donatus in einigen Handschriften des 6. Jahrhunderts' in Scrittura e civilta' 24 (2000) 5-16. On the autographs of the priest Donatus (Naples, ca. A. D. 575) in the mss Bamberg 87, Cas. 150, Vat. lat. 3375, and copies in the mss Metz 225 and Sess. 590.
Gorman, Michael, 'The Diagrams in Cassiodorus's Institutiones', Revue Bénédictine 110 (2000).
Newton, Francis, 'One scriptorium, two scripts: Beneventan, Caroline and the problem of Marston 112', Yale Library Gazette LXVI suppl. (1991) 118-133.
Alturo, J. 'Manuscrits i documents en escriptura beneventana conservats a' Cataluña', Studi Medievali 3a serie 28 (1987) 349-80.
Reuter, M. Metodi illustrativi nel Medioevo. Testo e immagine nel codice 132 di Montecassino "Liber Rabani de originibus rerum" (Naples 1993). Translation from the German (1984) with an updated bibliography and commentary by P. Guerrini.

Pre-Carolingian: Austria, Germany, Switzerland/Centri di scrittura in Austria, Germania, Svizzera (Boyle MLP 868-889)


Scripts and scriptoria (Boyle MLP 868-874)

Duft, J. Die Abtei St. Gallen, eds P. Ochsenbein and E. Zieglen (Sigmaringen 1990).
Netzer, N. Cultural Interplay in the Eighth Century. Thetrier Gospels and the Making of a Scriptorium at Echternach (Cambridge 1994).

Von Padberg, L.E. and Stork, H.W., Der Ragyndrudis-Codex des Hl. Bonifatius (Paderborn 1994).
Herrad Spilling, 'Die frühe Phase karolingischer Minuskel' in Kloster Fulda in der Welt der Karolinger und Ottonen, ed. G. Schrimpf (Frankfurt a.M. 1996).

Pre-Carolingian: France/Centri di scrittura in Francia
(Boyle MLP 890-915)

Merovingian writing (MLP 890-893)

Atsma, H., ed., La Neustrie. Les pays au sud de la Loira de 650 à 850 I-II (Sigmaringen 1989). With essays by J. Vezin, D. Ganz, R. McKitterick.
Ganz, David, 'The Luxeil Prophets and Merovingian Missionaries Strategies’, Yale Library Gazette 76 (1991) 105-117.
Ganz, David, 'Knowledge of Ephraim's Writing in the Merovingian and Carolingian Age', Hugoye 2, 1 (1999), no page. A cautionary survey ('the important work remains to be done') of 38 mss of the Latin Ephraim copied before ca. A.D. 1030. Includes 4 mss of Pseudo-Ephraim (de fine mundi) and Dicta sancti Efrem (inc. O admirabiles viri festinate) ascribed to Ephraim in Verona Bib. Cap. 52.

(Boyle MLP 916-1090)

General (MLP 916-936)

Contreni, J.J., Carolingian Learning: Masters and Manuscripts (Aldershot 1992).
2955a (89)
Bischoff, B., Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts (mit Ausnahme der wisigotischen). Teil I: Aachen-Lambach., ed. Birgit Ebersperger (Wiesbaden 1998). A posthumous work from notes left by Bischoff. Vol. I includes manuscripts located at Aaran, Basel, Bern, Chur, Maienfeld, Cologny/Geneve, Disentis, Einsiedeln, Engelberg, Flums, Fribourg, Geneve, and Samedan. Vols. II and III (forthcoming) will include libraries from L to Z. No plates.
Gorman, Michael, 'Bernhard Bischoff's Handlist of Carolingian Manuscripts,' Scrittura e civiltà 25 (2001) 89-112. A review of 2955a.
La Rivière, R., 'The Imperial Library of Charlemagne,' Eranos 90 (1992) 82-96.

Origins of Caroline script/Origini della scrittura carolina (MLP 937-944)
Pratesi, A., 'Le ambizioni di una cultura unitaria: la riforma della scrittura,' in Nascita dell’Europa ed europa carolingia: un’equazione da verificare. Settimane del Centro italiano di studi sull’ Alto Medioevo, 19-25 Aprile 1979 (Spoleto 1981) 507-530.
Ganz, David, 'The Preconditions of Caroline Minuscule', Viator 18(1987) 23-44.
Steinmann, Martin, 'The books of Abbot Frowin: a scriptorium in Engelberg,' Scriptorium 54 (2000) 9-13. Frowin, who came from St. Blasien ca. 1140, had about 30 MSS produced for Engelberg.

Carolingian: France/Centri di scrittura in Francia (MLP 945-985)

Ganz, David, Corbie in the Carolingian Renaissance (Sigmaringen 1990).
Gasparri, F. 'Lo scriptorium di Corbie’, Scrittura e Civiltà 15(1991) 289-306.
Depreux, Ph. 'Büchersuche und Büchertausch im Zeitalter der karolingischen Renaissance am Beispiel des Briefwechsels des Lupus von Ferrières’, Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 76(1994) 267-284.
Gorman, Michael, ‘Wigbod and the Biblical Study under Charlemagne’, Revue Bénédictine 107 (1997) 40-76.
Toswell, M. J., 'St. Martial and the Dating of Late Anglo-Saxon Manuscrits', Scriptorium 51 (1997) 3-14.
Gorman, Michael, 'Wigbod and the Lectiones on the Hexateuch Attributed to Bede in Paris lat. 2342', Revue Bénédictine 105 (1995) 310-347.
Gorman, Michael, 'The Commentary on the Pentateuch Attributed to Bede in PL 91.189-394', Revue Bénédictine 106 (1996) 61-108.
Gorman, Michael, 'Augustine Manuscripts from the Library of Louis the Pius: Berlin Phillips 1651 and Munich Clm 3824,' Scriptorium 50 (1996) 98-105. Notes the presence of volatu ranarum (a distinctive erroneous reading of Augustine's volaturarum) in Exhymeron (MS Munich Clm 6338) and takes a sceptical view of its Irish authorship, first suggested as a possibility by Bischoff.
Gorman, Michael, 'Theodore of Canterbury, Hadrian of Nisida and Michael Lapidge', Scriptorium 50 (1996) 184-192. A review of 2926 with 'random comments,' 'minor quibbles,' and 'suggestions for further investigation' (p. 189).
Gorman, Michael, 'The Commentary on Genesis of Claudius of Turin and Biblical Studies under Louis the Pious,' Speculum 72 (1997) 279-329.
Gorman, Michael, 'The Carolingian Exegetical Compendium in Albi 39 and Paris lat. 2175, with notes on Paris lat. 614A and Paris lat. 10612', Scriptorium 51 (1997).
Gorman, Michael, 'Theodulf of Orleans and the Exegetical Miscellany in Paris lat. 15679,' Revue Bénédictine 109 (1999).
Fagin Davis, Lisa, 'Two Leaves of the Gottschalk Antiphonary' in Harvard Library Bulletin N.S. 5,3 (1994) 38-44.
Gorman, Michael, 'From Isidore to Claudius of Turin: The Works of Ambrose on Genesis in the Early Middle Ages,' Revue des études augustiniennes 44 (1999) 131-138.
Gorman, Michael, 'The Commentary on Genesis of Angelomus of Luxeuil and Biblical Studies under Lothar', in Studi medievali 40 (1999).
Gorman, Michael, Biblical Commentaries from the Early Middle Ages (Firenze 2000). Collected essays including reprints of 2936, 2962, 2964, 2965, 2967, 2968, 2969


Die touronische Bibel der Abtei St. Maximin, eds. M. Ferrari, R. Fuchs, O. Hahn, F. Muetherich, and D. Oltrogge (Trier 2002). Fragments of the Bible written at Tours under Abbot Vivien (844-851), formerly at St. Maximin (Trier)and now scattered among various libraries, have been reassembled for this volume. Full facsimile, eight color plates of initials.
2975a (956)
Benedict of Monte Cassino, Sancti Benedicti Regula (New York 1992). Hand press edition of the MS St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek 914. Reputedly copied from a lost 9th-century exemplar copied directly from the autograph of St. Benedict.

Carolingian: Germany, Switzerland

(Boyle MLP 986-1017)

Lang, O. 'Abt Gregor und die tausendjährige Buchkultur des Klosters Einsiedeln. Ein Spiegel geistigen Lebens,' Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktiner-Ordens und seiner Zweige 107 (1996) 275-298.
Robert Gary Babcock, 'Häresie und Bibliothek: Die Fuldaer Handschrift von Origenes' Peri Archon' in Kloster Fulda in der Welt der Karolinger und Ottonen, ed. G. Schrimpf (Frankfurt a.M. 1996) 299-324.
Von Euw, A., 'Das Buch der vier Evangelien. Kölns karolingische Evangelienbücher,' Kölner-Museum Bulletin 1 (1989) 3-53.
Von Euw, A., 'Abt Gregor und die Einsiedler Mal- und Schreibschule im 10. Jahrhundert,' Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktiner-Ordens und seiner Zweige 107 (1996) 183-241.
L'abbaye de Saint-Gall. Rayonnement spirituel et culturel, ed. Werner Vogler (St. Gall 2001).
Berschin, Walter, 'La culture de l'ßcriture,' in 2976g 69-80. Examines the evolution of scripts at St. Gall's from c. 760-780 (scribe Winithar) to Alemannic minuscule to the 16th century.

Carolingian: Italy (to ca. 1200)/Centri di scrittura in Italia fino al 1200 circa

(Boyle MLP 1018-1042)

Ancidei, G. ‘Il calendario necrologio di Veroli,’ Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria 106(1983) 5-62.
Supino Martini, Paola, Roma e l'area grafica romanesca (secoli X-XII) (Alessandria 1987).
Holtz, Louis, ‘La main de Franciscellus Mancinus et les fonds anciens de San Severino et Sossio de Naples,’ Scriptorium 44 (1990) 217-258.
Osborne, J. ‘The Use of Painted Initials by Greek and Latin Scriptoria in Carolingian Rome,’ Gesta 29(1990) 76-85.
2979a (1018, 1025, 1032)
Giorgi, I., 'Appunti intorno ad alcuni manoscritti del Liber Pontificalis,' Archivio della Societa' Romana di Storia Patria 20 (1897) 247-312. Studies the manuscript tradition of the Liber Pontificalis handed down at Farfa Abbey (a Lombard foundation north of Rome) as shown in the MSS in Roman minuscule BAV, Vat. lat. 3761, 3764, Pal. 811+Vat. lat. 296+Vat. lat. 766, and Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense 2010.

Carolingian and after: England/Centri di scrittura nelle Isole britanniche

(Boyle MLP 1043-1090)


Words, Texts and Manuscripts. Studies in Anglo-Saxon Culture presented to Helmut Gneuss on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday, eds. M. Kornhammer, K. Reichl, and H. Sauer (Woodbridge 1992).

Scripts and scriptoria

Morrish, J. ‘Dated and Datable Manuscripts Copied in England During the Ninth Century: A Preliminary List,' Mediaeval Studies 50 (1988) 512-38.
Michelle Brown, 'MS Paris, BN 10861 and the Scriptorium of Christi Church, Canterbury,' Anglo-Saxon England 15 (1986) 119-137.2981b
The Eadwine Psalter. Text, Image and Monastic Culture in Twelfth-Century Canterbury, eds. Margaret Gibson, T.A. Heslop, R.W. Pfaff (London 1992).
Webber, T., Scribes and Scholars at Salisbury Cathedral, c. 1075-c. 1125 (Oxford 1992).
Dumville, D. N., English Carolïne Script and Monastic History: Studies in Benedictinism, A.D. 950-1030 (Woodbridge 1993).
Jiri Kejr, 'Dila prazskych mistru v rukopisech knihovny Corpus Christi College, Cambridge' [The works of the Prague Masters in the MSS of Corpus Christi College Library, Cambridge], Historia Universitatis Carolinae 26 (1986) 109-148.
Gameson, R., 'The Origin of the Exeter Books of Old English Poetry,' Anglo-Saxon England 25 (1996) 135-185.
Breccia Fratadocchi, M. M., 'Da York a Roma: per la storia del codice Vitt. Em. 827 della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale,' Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria 117 (1994) 97-111.

Carolingian and after: Germany

Angerer, J.F. 'Habent sua fata libelli.Der Kodex Altenburg AB 13 A 10 in Benediktinerstift Altenburg, 1144-1994, ed. R. Handrascheck-Holder (St. Ottilien 1994) 181-194.

Slavonic areas and Eastern Europe: area slava

(Boyle MLP 1246-1252)

Peri, Vittorio, 'Note preliminari e profane sull'origine paleografica degli alfabeti slavi’, Scrittura e Civiltà 8(1984) 31-67.
Tre alfabeti per gli slavi: Catalogo della mostra allestita nella Biblioteca Vaticana per l'Undicesimo Centenario della Morte di San Metodio (Vatican City 1985). With contributions by F. V. Mares, J. M. Reinhart, Vittorio Peri. Catalogue of the exhibit at the Vatican Library for the centennial of the death of St. Methodius. The exhibit showed evidence of manuscripts in the main Slavonic languages (Slovenian, Croatian, Bohemian) written in the Latin alphabet in Caroline (from 10th-11th century on, Monumenta Frisingensia) or other scripts, in addition to the ancient documents in Cyrillic and Glagolitic.
Monumenta Frisingensia. La prima presentazione in Italia dei monumenti letterari di Frisinga del X-XI secolo coevi alle prime tracce scritte della lingua italiana, eds. J. Jez, P.P. Parovel, A. Tasso-Jasbitz (Trieste 1994).

Period of Scholastico-Mercantile Culture ('Gothic'), ca. 1150-1400: scritture tra il XII ed il XV secolo

(Boyle MLP 1091-1252)

General: opere generali (Boyle MLP 1091-1108)

De Hamel, Christopher F. R., Glossed Books of the Bible and the Origins of the Paris Book Trade (Woodbridge 1987).
La producion du livre universitaire au Moyen Âge. 'Exemplar' et 'Pecia'. Actes du symposium tenu au Collegio San Bonaventura de Grottaferrata en mai 1983, eds. L. J. Bataillon, B. G. Guyot, and R. H. Rouse (Paris 1988).
Casamassima E., Tradizione corsiva e tradizione libraria nella scrittura latina del Medioevo (Roma 1988).
Civiltà comunale: libro, scrittura, documento. Atti del Convegno, ed. D. Puncuh (Genoa 1989). Essays by S. Zamponi, L. Miglio, G. Costamagna, A. Rovere, G. Fissore, O. Banti, A. Pratesi.

Studies: studi (Boyle MLP 1114-1251)

Austria, Germany, Low Countries: Austria, Germania, Paesi Bassi (Boyle MLP 1114-1125)

Avarucci G., ‘Due codici scritti da "Gerardus Helye" padre di Erasmo,’ Italia Medievale e Umanistica 26(1983) 220-255.
Schneider, K., Gotischen Schriften in deutscher Sprache, I: Von späten 12 Jahrhunderts bis um 1300, I-II (Deutsche Handschriften 1100-1400, Oxforder Kolloquium 1985, eds. N. Palmer and V. Honemann (Tübingen 1988).
Deutsche Handschriften 1100-1400, Oxforder Kolloquium 1985, eds. N. Palmer and V. Honemann(Tübingen 1988).
2993 (1097, 1101, 1108)
Mazal, Otto, 'Beobachtungen zu österreischischen Buchschriften des 14. Jahrhunderts,' Codices Manuscripti 16(1992) 1-39.
Mazal, Otto, 'Österreichische Buchschriften des 14. Jahrhunderts, Scriptorium 54/1 (2000) 40-63.

England, Scotland, Wales: centri di scrittura nelle Isole Britanniche (MLP 1137-1173)

Morgan, N. J., A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles, IV : Early Gothic Manuscripts 2, 1250-1485 (Oxford-London-New York 1988).
English Manuscript Studies 1100-1700 vol. 1, ed. P. Beal and J. Griffiths (Oxford-New York 1989).
Franzen, C., The Tremulous Hand of Worcester: A Study of Old English in the XII Century (Oxford 1991)
Sandler Freeman, Lucy, Gothic Manuscripts 1285-1385 (Surveys of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles, vol. 5) (London 1986)
Sandler Freeman, Lucy, The Psalter of Robert de Lisle in the British Library (London 1999) 120 pp. 25 plates. A very affordable new edition of the monograph on Arundel MS 83 II first published in 1983, with an updated bibliography, an expanded preface, five reviews of the 1983 edition, and the author's review of the reviews.

Italy: centri di scrittura in Italia (MLP 1194-1216)

Adorisio, A. M., Codici latini calabresi. Produzione libraria in Val di Crati e in Sila tra XII e XIII secolo (Roma 1986).
Supino Martini, P. ‘La scrittura delle Scritture(sec. XI-XII)’, Scrittura e Civiltà 12 (1988) 101-118.
Zamponi, S., 'Elisione e sovrapposizione nella littera textualis,' Scrittura e Civiltà 12, 135-177.
Rafti, P., ‘Alle origini dei Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta’, Scrittura e Civiltà 19 (1995) 199-222.
Saenger, P. ‘The Separation of Words in Italy’, Scrittura e Civiltà, XVII(1993), 5-42.
Supino Martini, P., 'Linee metodologiche per lo studio dei manoscritti in litterae textuales prodotti in Italia nei secoli XIII-XIV’, Scrittura e Civiltà 17 (1993) 43-102.
Miglio, L. ‘Criteri di datazione per le corsive librarie italiane dei secoli XIII-XIV. Ovvero riflessioni, osservazioni, suggerimenti sulla lettera mercantesca’, Scrittura e Civiltà 18 (1994) 143-158.
Coulson, Frank T. ‘New Manuscripts of the Medieval Allegorization (Giovanni de Virgilio-Pierre Bersuire) of Ovid’s Metamorphoses’ , Scriptorium 51 (1997) 164-186.

Papal Curia: curia pontificia (MLP 1217-1219)

Condello, Emma, 'I codici Stefaneschi:uno scriptorium cardinalizio del Trecento tra Roma e Avignone,' Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria 110(1987) 21-61.
Condello, Emma ‘I codici Stefaneschi : libri e committenza di un cardinale avignonese’, Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria, 112(1989), 195-218.
I documenti pontifici nel medioevo e nell’età moderna, ed. S. Pagano (Vatican City 1989).
Radiciotti, P., 'La curiale romana nuova: parabola discendente di una scrittura’, Archivio della società Romana di Storia Patria 112 (1989) 39-113.

Spain: centri di scrittura in Spagna

(Boyle MLP 1220-1224)

Creasy, D. L., The Development of the Formal Gothic Script in Spain: Toledo, XII-XIII (Cincinnati 1984).
Gimeno Blay, F., La escritura gotica en el pais valenciano después de la Conquista del siglo XIII (Valencia 1985).
Collectanea paleographica de la Corona de Aragon, I-II (Barcelona 1986).
Gimeno Blay, F., ‘De scriptura Gothica. Algunos ejemplos a proposito de sus inicios en la penisula ibérica’, Scriptorium 47 (1993) 115-126.

Slavonic countries and central Europe: area slava ed Europa centrale

(Boyle MLP 1246-1252)

L'enluminure du livre manuscrit ballcanique jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle: Conference du Second Séminaire de Paléographie et Diplomatique Slave, eds. B. Velçeva and K. Stançev (Sofia 1985).
Spunar, P., 'Sur l'origine de la cursive gothique en Europe centrale,' 54/1 (2000) 14-19.

Period of Humanist Culture: la scrittura umanistica e le altre scritture del XV secolo

( Boyle MLP 1253-1305)

De La Mare, Albinia C., 'New Research on Humanistic Scribes,' in Miniatura fiorentina del Rinascimento, 1440-1525. Un primo censimento, ed. A. Garzelli, (Firenze 1985) 393-600.
Renaissance-und Humanistenhandschriften, ed. J. Autenrieth (Oldenburg 1988).
Derenzini, G., 'La sinistra mano di Leonardo: scritture e letture dei manoscritti vinciani' (Brescia 1993).
Mathias Corvinus und die Bildung der Renaissance Handschriften aus der Bibliothek und den Umkreis des Mathias Corvinus aus dem Besten der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, eds. E. Gamillscheg and B. Mersich (Wien 1994).
Manfredi, A. I codici latini di Niccolò V. Edizione degli inventari e identificazione dei manoscritti (Vatican City 1994).
Derenzini, G. ‘Note autografe di Piero della Francesca nel codice 616 della Bibliothèque Municipale di Bordeaux. Per la storia testuale del 'De propectiva pingendi', Filologia antica e moderna 9 (1995) 29-55.
Umanesimo e Padri della Chiesa. Manoscritti e incunaboli di testi patristici da Francesco Petrarca al primo Cinquecento, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, 5 febbraio-9 agosto 1997, ed. S. Gentile (Milano 1997).

   Electronic Palaeography: Introductory remarks
1. Scholarly setting: bibliographies, manuals, facsimiles, online palaeography (Boyle MLP 1-446, ElPal 2691a-2802)
2a. Cultural setting: Writing in general to Roman culture (Boyle MLP 447-587, ElPal 2803-2904)
2b. Cultural setting: Latin writing pre-Carolingian to Humanistic (Boyle MLP 588-915, ElPal 2905-3025)
3a. Institutional setting: Libraries and archives, catalogues, book trade
3b. Institutional setting: Modern catalogues of medieval and Renaissance libraries
4. Physical setting
Human setting

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