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  1. The Israeli High Court for Justice
    -The official Legends against the realty.
  2. -The freedom the conscience and -Subjudice
    does they compatible together,...What it mind ?!
  3. -jews are no folk usually to obey -caprales
  4. -I have the moral -privilege -to raise the problems.
  5. -The womens experience -in justice seeking
  6. -The phrases our dominant lawyers, as -Sir M. Shamgar
    and -A. Barak about Israeli court foundation.
  7. Unique in the world court opened
    before -each citizen for secure his Dignity.
  8. -Does the judge nomination system is perfect?!
  9. "Court's independence"? -The realty.
  10. -Why to involve myself with judiciary critic(?!)
  11. -"My Agranat Commisssion"
  12. -Our oligarchy simplify can -imprison -each citizen.
  13. -Our Court chief A. Barak.."judicial activity..etc..

The Israeli High Court for Justice
-The official Legends against the realty. Here will discuss about "court's independence", the "judicial activity" and other "advance" perceptions are percept the judges authority and a rules for judges behavior, norms for manage trials and relations with litigants during a court session. etc. -Below will experience the reasearch of comments that was given in verdicts by several famouse judges of the Israeli Supreme Court. -later on or in parallel with these declaration we will give our proves "as argue from the opposite" with given testimony and logical critic basised on the Law, as it has written in real.
-Dear reader, I repatriated in Israel under a patriot reasons in 1972 after much hardship and fighting; - I came here after my ideals to defend my folk; - I have the moral privilege in compare with much of my opponents, to raise the real social problems. -I no know Nobody in may country have moral right order me what disclose is better for my country. -I have say the truth. -Even anyone wish charge me with court discredit. -I already have been present in these spectacle yet no does public critic of judgement even by one word!! -They want me ! I know. -It's understand as I began critic the problematic society area, as no much citizen ready told the true; -at most because hypertrophy perception of the notion -subjudice. It's the result of the brainwash experience causing by our "oligarchy" that tries to frighten the public make critic our judgement. -Because the power for given law comment is taking in hands of court, -several of Israeli journalist where imprison or punished because they did critic the judges against the law of subjudice. Then we begin with explaining what mind "subjudice".

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- Subjudice, what it mind ?! -What it is subjudice?! -And where is the frontier of right to get information, the declaration of free speech with the free of the conscience!? I sure, as the subjudice mind a watching the law; -on the other hand it obligate each citizen to obey the court verdicts and watch the norms of citizen behavior and keep the country public benefit. But there we have a dilemma: -What have doing a loyal citizen when the social elite in conspiracy with court hurt the law, the civil rights and human dignity of a citizen?! -Do hold one's tongue till up a second election?! -Or the citizen have the right of critic a wrong verdicts and wrong laws, and the wrong judgement with the bureaucracy and disclose a conspiracy ?! -What may act the citizen if the conspiracy totals a yellow press or media because of the reach men bayed it and protected all ways for prevention from public knowledge of the truth?! -We know folks as were usually to obey of their capral's ordering and we know as this habit brought the world to apocalypse. -The people have make the right squalor before election. -Then the people must know and discuss the real society problems, but not only legends on the Israeli democracy told by officials. -The privilege to think, discuss before conclusion and plan, out the man from a flock of sheep. -With a view to prevent a conspiracy or(and) a wrong using of the power of officials or administration, -democratical system does the self defending by given for each citizen the right of speech and a freedom of the conscience.

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-The free of a conscience..What it's ? ------------------------ -When we read about freedom of the conscience we mind not only as the religion freedom, but we mind integrally as a freedom for watch other grasp, and freedom to critic, to say the truth and told owner idea or anxiety for the future and all other what maybe relates with a public affair , -including critic of laws, judgement, management. -Of course, the critic must by doing with all citizen's responsibility. -Subjudice meant submission to law and judjment, But it should not deny the right of speech and the freedom of conscience! -as basis of democracy. -Then dear sirs, please display respectfulness to critic of your verdicts and other ordering. -We should not negate to verdict given under law, but the citizen have right critic each order given oppose to law or hurts civil rights. -Now, the system of power is building in way as our oligarchy simplify can imprison each citizen wish say the truth for disclose their conspiracy. -The officials could does any fantastic legend against their victim for legitimation of tyranny act for neutralizing(isolation) any man. The public would left not knowledged of reality. -It will be saying: Under the courts judgement!?

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-We know much primers as great countries were destroyed because their folk has a blind believed their no clever rulers. -I warn, -here in Israel is builded a refined oligarchy combined with judiciary system caused a cheating and social violation. -Dear sirs and honorers please not frighten us, -jews are no folk usually to obey to caprales. -We know to think what is better for the society and know make a judgement for all what is relate to our country and what judiciary system better. - It is the perception of freedom to speech and freedom of conscience in advance. -Who wish get legitimation for "judicial activity" perception, he have know as in democratic society the "judicial activity" perception, should influence the opposite power as "citizen activity" fighting for the human rights secure. -Of course the objective society powers quickly should destroy the wrong unnatural conceptions. Between normal folk with normal intellect can't be a place for stooped casuistry declaration as "judicial activity", "court independence", etc. -it's have not basis in philosophy, social and judiciary scientist, it's unmotivated logical; then -it should left a wrong fancy of one person.

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The High Court for Justice, -------------------------- -The official Legends against the realty. -In september 1998 I heard the interview of the Supreme court ex-chief, sir Meir Shamgar, -It was given before of court's half-centenary with the radio commentator Moshe Hanegby. -Sir M. Shamgar persuades here his auditory (now I expose his things as I remember it): a) as we have the High Court for Justice as unique in the world court institute, -opened before each citizen for using as tools for defending the weak citizen rights, against the possible governmental tyranny. -He paint the picture as if each Israelites, as unique in the world have so liberal possibility for secure the civil rights and the justice.

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- The judge nomination dilemma... ---------------------------- b) Yet sir chief persuade his listeners as we have a perfected in the world system of judges nomination as the system preclude a case of conspiracy in judge nomination in our court; -Sir Shamgar try to prove that the system of a judge nomination include a careful checking of each pretender on judge vacation his honestly by the knesset commission combined from: a) -the lawyers bureau deputation, by b) -the parliament members elected by folk, c) -by governmental deputy, d)-by judges deputations; -sir Shamgar gives securing as though these mixed commission sharing of all groups, exclude any possibility of conspiracy. - So convinces us sir Shamgar as in result of the careful and objective selection and checking our judges are honest men, watches neutralize objectivity and equality in the court. -So the honoree man persuades the folk by a tone of man have the knowledge of the absolute truth. -If all so well as it given on the tongue of this great man, -why we go critic the perfect system(?!) -with expectation of dangerous option of a charge and then imprison because a court discredit ?! (in 5 years imprison under crime law). -The same question is asking in the wisdom as: "-If all is well, why realty the all so badly?" -I have to explain to public: -Why I mind as the -existing Israeli judiciary system realty is wrong because intrigue basis of its building, and wish explain why it could not be applicable for my folk and for advance democracy system! -As I said before, I am a victim of judges injustice, dishonesty and falsification the proofs. -Each one may to check the facts and test the proofs reminded and brought in my home page as image proofs, copies. All what I wrote here is a personal thoughts, -But for principe of discuss I choose a wisdom: as "against the facts would no discussing", -the facts is a basis of truth and justice squalor. -The right perception must be based on triad kits: -on knowledge, on facts and on logic. -Now we will check the great men explanation in the logical examination by compare his comments with other authorities source and with primers.

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Let's begin: ----------- -About reminded higher the sir Shamgar comments as if each Israeli citizen happy use his privilege of a possibility suggest his appeal direct to our High Court for Justice (against of damage his citizen rights by anywhere), -I give refutation proving by proofs as the great man told the -no truth As he personal toke active part in resisting of discuss petition against cases of judges rampage. -So was in my petitions against judges-fabricators in provoked trials of -"Amidar" company and other trials, reminded here partly. - De facto the officers of the court sabotaged suggesting several of my basis petitions, as in oppose this, -in each other democracy country my appeals would be suggested in their Supreme Court as has a public interest because it's public danger. -Even trying your activity for justice -is dangerous.

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-Yet I remind three primers of hooliganism: 1) -As the secretariat of the Supreme Court no suggested my petition for disqualification the judge conducted my trial because a "mask's behavior". -According to Law, -Supreme Court has the unique authority to conduct this kind of petition. -In the petition was reading about of fabrication the proceedings and a wrong behavior the judge conducted the vain trial of "Amidar" company. 2) They does resist my petition in provocative by judge the vanity charge and fabricated crime, as the police selected special a cruel no honest man conduct this trial. This man could imprison me of for five years or up to rest of life for nothing. 3) -The High Court secretary resisted to acquire my petition against of lawless rejecting by local judge my request for inquest of killing my mother in Haifa hospital. In all these cases I was forced to appeal personally to the court chief M. Shamgar office or other chief because the hooligan behavior of the chief secretary of the High court, (Of course the chief secretary acts according to court's chief's wish), -but the great man newer answered me by a writing delivery. -In this way prevented all passible to accuse him. -In these cases I called the chiefs office and much times discussed with his secretary with name Sherl, (speaking with English accent). -She remembered me well. -Even for reception my petition against the judge conducted the criminal trial fabricated with fancy charge by judge conducted civil trial of "Amidar company" ( the story of this trial is told partly in my home page, I were compelled fight with petit to court chief personality with name of Got(!); -because the secretary wish not accept it! 4) -In case of "Amidar's" trials I no succeeded submit petition for disqualification the conducting judge because her "masking behavior" with proceedings fabrication. This time the High court secretary Shmiriahu with cort's chief together resisted for receive the lawfull petition. Then becaus my complains sir Shamgar ordered me to suggest the petition for judge disqualification as appeal in district court.. (Even by law it's job of High Court). -I have been must to do as ordered the chief... -It turned in three years of abuse in district court. -About provoked vain trials of -"Amidar" company -The seeking for justice is sometime dangerous. --------------------------------- -As known from gazette "Maariv" -One women after unhappy seeking for justice; -maybe in women naivety he decided to appoint, personal the court chief M. Shamgar in his home and tell him the truth about the badly judgement. -But sir Shamgar immediate complained to police against the women, as if she tried to get through frontier of his latifundia. -This women were immediately arrested and in few days the Haifa judge ( it was the judge that rejected inquest of my mother killing) sent her to psychiatric examination. -Then this women was closed in psychiatric clinic, as abnormal. -It is not so simply to seek justice in Israel. - The judges no always understand a joke. -It Important to attend that in our media no was noted nothing what there problem were as that women must to arrive to our court chief home in Jerusalem from Haifa. Who abuse the women?! -Maybe she tryed petit in High Court, but the learned hooligans not acquire her petition. -Each man archy-normal could convert be crazy. -Realty the public no know nothing about the circumstances of this case and no this women name. -Could be he was confident that the Justice Angel will help to obtain the truth (as I thought to). -Where is it, the public right take information ? -The-facto the public know only some selected data. -it was no public informing, but it named -eyewash. -Yet I have one naive question: -how that women could live without the closed psychiatric clinic all long time before she decided meet our chief? -I nave seen in much cases as our media insteed to inform the public with truth, in realty caused disinformation as companion of mutual guarantee. -So it could happen with me!...-Simply! -In cases when my petition was accepted as result I acquitted in all this petitions. -Sir Shamgar personal discharge me from vain crime charge, provocative by -local judge (CrAp 61/95). -But how much they caused me indignity, humiliation before a happiness of acquire my justice appeal; -for obtaining the right to advent before a judge! -I sure it can't continued more in this wrong way! -About these wrong realty each one have to holler!
The truth about of Supreme Court with opened doors. The concept of Supreme Court with opened doors for each citizen feels itself damaged by administration is well idea and beauty legend; -but the facts learns as the corrupted part of our society changed the well idea in opposite of it's original substance and original purpose. It is important no the fine name or declaration any ruler for freedom, but it considerable in which hands has given the function of watching the law and freedom. -I showed here facts, I prove by logical analyze as the justice affair conveyed in no honest hands. -These subordination is no casual, it's builded. The wrote higher, it's that I wished say about the Israeli High Court realty for public knowledge. -On my personal experience and responsibility -I must say as the Israeli Supreme Court now in opposite to his name and original purpose. In realty caused be as source and a big factor and reason of the social violence and general factor of society demoralizing, as the source of injustice and corruption. These thinks may does only men that indifferent with future of the jewish country. -This is the realty of Israeli democracy and court. Would you read below, and study the causes, Then you could understand the realty of our democracy and real function of our Supreme Court in our society and understand the real price the honest of some the Israeli judges. -These condition must be changed with it's root. It was my comments to sir Meir Shamgar things about unique of Israeli High Court for Justice. -For be more argue I ask you study the new original experience of the actual court chief A. Barak as given his instruction for limitation and resisting for realisation the Supreme court previous purpose function, as oppose of the way as told in sir's Shamgar legend.Remind! -Please study the proofs. For prevent appeals of weak peoples as russian repatriants, in High court as it told sir Shamgar, his pleas wrote before). -The new chief nominate a special lawyer with task like the head waiter in restaurant as purpose "only for reach men club". His main function prevent accepting appeals from weak people, -as I explain. 2) -I declare, I met more for 20 judges, but no was even one case as their behavior was honest. Always they edited a false in proceedings and no did the judgement with relation to my demands, as I wrote. They edited other claims for damage me, but in their judgement added some of casuistry goodwill phrases as if they wished do me only a favor charity. How mach hypocrisy in this phrase of much judges. -They watches only the niceness the husk of court. -but they itself damages the substance of justice. -In much ways they caused discredit of our court. -Because their behavior Israel call's in USA as banana's republic. -The facts are shows the real price of their moral. -I wish warn the people from eyewash: - because in the real(!) this men closed the doors of High Court( with the nice name "Justice" ) extremely before a weak groups people as I am; -they gave not me even to advent before their -honors judges! -Then I feel as the court uses as a factor of conspiracy and injustice in my country. -This hypocrisy will be -unmasking here.

< the second theme>
2. -The judge nomination commission.
-As it declared by sir M. Shamgar, -the purpose
 of composition of the parliament commission
 of judge nomination is prevention of being
 of conspiracy in judge nomination.

 -I wish oppose to declaration of court's chief.
 In general it's no realty prevent patronage by
 nomination in so little country as Israel.
We remember the warning of prof Michael Bar-Zohar
about conspiracy in election, as corrupted people
wishes help with advertizing provided that
he would commit support their interest in Knesset
after  his election.

-The perception that the Israeli court is independent from
political administration is very impressive but not exactly.

-Let's remind that great part of our parliament members
are lawyers with corporate interest, mentality and bias.
These circumstances lites to forward the satisfactory
laws for interrelated lawyer's community.

-The judge's nomination commission consists of jurists.
-Really, these circumstances makes possibility for
 patronage by judge nomination, the interest negation.

Precisely a short time ago in the press were publication of existing a patronizing by judge's nominations. Is known the precedents of corruption in this community. All agree that a judge is a human being only. Not any Angel. Therefrom in my opinion: As there are not proofs for hypothesis of an ideal judge, as there is nobody, have the right to sale for public a legend on judge's authority to decide against of the law. The impression from practice give me the ambition to declare that our parliament granted the judges excessive authority; -also problematic is the trial session by public exclusion, and other exclusive plenty of rope for judges transgression. -Real, the rules as judge is free to edit a wrong session records and the litigants are helpless against judge's remissness, gives stimulation for judicial corruption. -Reality our judge has no responsibility for his decision! -Aside from a danger of tendentious trial, the trial without jury enable for cause whitens for felony(!). -Plenty of felony has turning to white after few years. -For any "interesting persons" it is OKAY condition, but the quest if the public interest is watched?!?

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-I mind that the jurisdiction of "judicial activity" may cause the lawyers rampage and tyranny now and in the future. This conception can turn into an antidemocratic Trojan Horse.

I am not against the right of a judge discussing the law;
but in opposite to the administration's conception I sure
-the trial is not the place for the revision of the law;
for this purpose exists the democratic institutes, -they
and public have the authority on law critic and revision.

I believe the court process must be under public control,
as it conventional in USA, in Europeans democracies.

The Human Right Watch impossible without obedience to law.

The parliament is indebted to enact on judge's
responsibility for normal trial management according
to the law and for watch the citizen's equality.
-Only in this way would be reassure the human
rights, the public justice and the Person's Dignity.

I believe the judge should initiate his activity in
the court by guard on the Law and guard the equality
before the law, -otherwise we open the door for
danger of corruption and for public anarchy.

The law give for every person a right on justice trial.
-The trial without juries or witnesses opens a
possibility for injustice and for using the court
for violence a person and for cause injustice.

The trial without juries or witnesses opens a
possibility for using the court to whiten the felony.

I sure that any interest lawyer has deceive
the parliament, so as suggested to access the
law giving the excessive authority for judge.
-Under a logic understanding -that on public
vision every conspiracy would disclose, -but
after the close doors everything possible.

-The conception of "judicial activity" is problematic;
-there is public interest to discuss the concept.

"-as you sow, you shall mow!"

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About the courts' independence
-Should not be Court independence from parliament,
-It's clear, that each judge is independent, and has
immunity always, -up to point he watches the law.
-No more of this. As each citizen.

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"JUDICIAL ACTIVITY" conception in Israeli court;

-The new concept "judicial activity" in Israeli court, has
proclaimed by the Israeli Supreme Court chief A. Barak;
-under his idea each judge may does judgment
on his conscience and understanding of justice.

-Author of this message is an engineer as fail
-a victim of prey hate of several Israeli judges.
-A part of damage cases are given -here.

-It's my citizen's responsibility disclose from
the eyewash husk the tyranny wrong tendentious.

I wish explain to public a philosophical vacuum
and absurdity of "judicial activity" perception.
-I will disclose the public danger consist in
the hypocrisy using here by Human Rights terms.

We wish attend a people as the perception "judicial
activity" no were proved by anyone scientific method.

-In activist phraseology of our court chief no was
demonstrate in this theme nothing from scientists,
only declared by the chief as each, who resist to
his ( of A. Barak) "judicial activity" perception,
-he no understand nothing in scientific of the
advance(!) democracy !!

-The chief adds to his phrase few words from
-human rights popular lexicon for neutralize
 any opponents of his "judicial activity",
 with these words finished his scientific...

-I would remind here that it's reading not only
about concept of a nameless engineer, but this phrase
 were directed against much learned lawyers, as most
of they has told against the "judicial activity", as
anti- scientist -perception.

-It understand that no one of a misters' A. Barak
opponents wish no seen as no learned man under
wild word's attacks of the court chief.

The trial (Sud Id'et) ---------------------

( Gazet "Maariv", "The people of the war", page 5,  )
-Quote from reminds of general Ury Simchony
 about given testimony in Agranat Commission:

" -I wished to tell (the Agranat Comission)
what is happen in the war, in the Nord's Commander.
I though that in these purpose I was sending for
this commission. But at onse was stopped.
-You have only answer the question as will be asking.
-It take me much time for realize as the men has no
any interest to study all details of happened.

They already made their perception and marked the
purpose, they wished only to check few points for
strengthen their ready conclusion.

The question rained one after second: do what said
this man and do what said answered other man ??
I no has happy to answer, not was could to remind
the proofs under their scheme and their things.

****** End reminder Ury Simchony. ******

Then I com in High court for hearing appeal
regarding with sabotage of police does inquiry
my complain of intoxication by dentist that
used in his treatment Arsenic; becauseŽ
sabotage of police department do inquiry and
because the medicine offices intrigue resisting
make the chemical analyze for disclose theŽ
heavy metal  intoxication, I liven  without
need treatment and it caused the health
disturbance and my invalidity.

The police without any check my complain
without consultation with specialist or take
a medical documents, -rejected my complain.

Mr M. Landoy, as the chief of the court called
me in his isolate cabinet.

No was opening doors no was a session and no
permits me to say my problems and pleas.

-He asked me few questions no bond with my
text, when I opposed him that he wrote in
the proceedings negation of I wished say,
-then the ex-chief said me ambitiously:
-Please no learn us here to manage a trial.

-So the ex-chief edited false protocol for
justify his injustice judgment that he did
no bond with my appeal. Do it understand?

-Then I returned home with nothing.
-I liven  helpless, the toxic reaction has
paralysed my self possibility to act, to think;
no left any option to take the needs expert
diagnose and then take a special treatment (in
case of the heavy metal  intoxication must be
to clean the body of suffered man with special
infusion  procedura).
-I left without any option to live.

-Under their text is all correct.
-But it is no were may version.

-Aside me in the room were only the court
chief, and behind me set a policeman.

-What I(as wounded man) can do against these power?
-It was abuse no me only, but it was abuse of law
abuse of justice, and discredit of the court.

-Would you read the remembers of general Ury
Simchony, -it's was similar of my witness.

-It was "my Agranat Commission" with familiar
name: - Moshe Landoy. I remind it as one of real
fathers of -"judicial activity" -idea and other.

-I enquire the hypothetical question:
-How much were the victims more?!

The description of my page:

    The description of my page:

  • Cases of society injustice caused me;
  • Discuss a fragments of Israeli judiciary,
  • -The malpractice in public medicine;
  • -About depriving the patient's rights;
  • -The right of deceaseds' family for inquest;

  • ..The fake due process of law was
    fabricated by the Israeli judge;
  • -The verdict as tools of social violence..
    and much more...Cases... Proofs...Cases.

  • -The pseudo-theory of "judicial activity"
    as a Trojan Hours of Conspiracy and Hegemony..etc.

I am -Seeking an Attorney's help! ( Click here! )

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Update September 21, 1998