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Tammy's Genealogy and More | This page has mostly genealogy and some old family photos. It also has some poetry written by my grandmother. I have some graphics to share with others too. |
Tammy's Place | Genealogy, pedigree charts, group sheets, surnames of Dufur, Gardner, Mumm, Short, Syndergaard, Theilen, Broers |
Targe Grover Family Tree | This site tells the story of Targe Grover (1831-1895)of Clay County, MN. Information about his ancestors and descendants. |
The Castles Of My Mind | Family and Siblings Genealogy |
The Family Trees | The Family Trees are many generations found with the start of one name. This family is in the history books of CA. We also offer help for kids to start their search for their ancestors. |
The Tait/Tate Familys of GA | The research of the surname Tait/Tate from GA and other Southern States. |
The Saga of Bad John Hall | The true Story of Bad John Hall, with family history and pictures. |
Tika | Family members, genealogy, old fashioned home remedies, mortality schedule, 1860-1870, dallas county missouri, Genealogy, surnames, my family, the rv world, some Dallas County Missouri informantion,1800s, old fashioned home remedies |
TimberLake Family Home | Genealogical and Historical information about the TIMBERLAKE family and allied families. GeoCities Featured Page! |
Tim's Family Tree | This site is dedicated to the Arnold/Bolen Surnames. There is a list of over 400 surnames at this site. This family tree has names all the way back to 400A.D. and the research is not over yet. |
Timothy Ryan's Genealogy | Ryan's Genealogy, Medicine and Computers Web Page. Genealogy info, on Ryan, Thompson, Koester, Elsner, Behrens = Timm Farmer Schneider. Medical & Cardiology links. |
Toler Genealogy | Information on the Toler family and the associated surnames of Reynolds, Fields, Gibson, and Campbell. |
Tom & Sally's Homepage | As I say, it's not a great page but it's home...It has links to my photo's, my genealogy, and informaton on timeshare vacationing. |
Tom's Garden | This is for my children so that they may know their ansestors. They will find both my family (JARVIS, ATKINS) and their mothers family (HURLBUT, BOWERMAN, FULLER) here. A chronicle my descendants. GeoCities Featured Page! |
Traci's Virtual Family Tree | My family history on the following families from Pennsylvania: Black, Miller, Hart, Crider, Stains, McCullough, and McKnight. |
Tracy's Cottage Home | Come and visit my humble cottage home. You can read how my ancestors came to Australia from Ireland in the 1850's. I have also written other family stories and you can view my tribute to WW1 victims. |
Tree Tracing | Bailey Family, Howland Family, Beatty Family. |
Trepl Genealogy | Genealogy pertaining to Trepl, Lockhart, Chapman, English, Legarda, Loyd-Lloyd, & Walsh. GeoCities Featured Page! |