Angels with Dew-soaked Faces
By Rhonda (aka Wisp)

Once upon a time there were three little ponies who went to the Police Academy: two sugar addicts, and one badass chick with a tendency to dump people on the head. Actually, their being there was an accident: they thought they were getting the bus to Rio. By the time they realised their mistake, they'd already been enrolled and billeted, and one of them had had a fling with the physical training instructor.

They trained hard, learning all the necessary skills - like rolling over the hood of a moving car in a miniskirt, or the correct way to eat doughnuts; and when they graduated (after the badass used a little "persuasion" on the principal), they were all put in high-powered, high-pressure jobs - from which they were subsequently fired for incompetence and made janitors. Which the badass did not take very well, and it all ended rather messily. Let's just say it involved a broomhandle, a chair, the Chief of National Security, and a lorryload of contraband Diet Dew...

But I took them away from all that. And now they work for me.

My name - is Charlie...

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