Every time Munchy and I got a new pony that was a double, or a triple, or a quad, we didn't sell them or trade them away. Nope, they were integrated into QC Society as twins, triplets, etc! Which made for added confusion, excitement, and was good for the female population. Of course we had to think of new names for them to go by, since we couldn't very well call Quarterback #2 "Quarterback #2." That would just be silly! So as we renamed our ponies, we starting thinking gee, a lot of these ponies have really dumb names. So we went about renaming them as we saw fit. So here is a list of some of the changes that were made, so that you can get at least a vague clue of what I might be talking about!

Noodles (also known as Quarterback's favorite kid)
Doodles (Mac's sister who tends to get the affections of their mother, Royal Blue)
Daddy Sweet Celebrations #1 (the Town's local Transvestite! Far more woman than most women. He's the Queen of Quacker County!)
Merlin (the Sam Neill one, of course)
Daddy SC #2 (Chief's and Celeb's and 4speed's brother, Nimue's lover, NBC's Merlin reincarnated!!)
Nimue (to go with Merlin, of course)
Princess Serena (British princess and the lovely reincarnation of Isabella Roselini! Also Royal Blue's sister)
Pronounced: Nim-ooo-way
Morgan Le Fay (the whole Merlin thing again)
Pink princess with tarantula lashes
King Al
Baby Brother Countdown #1 (4speed's kid from inner city Brooklyn and Rainribbon's lil love slave, the King of Quacker County!)
Mordred (keeping in line with the whole Merlin motif)
Baby Bro Countdown #2 (looks just like Al, and yet they have different mothers... supposed to be Al's Arch Nemesis)
Troy (after Aikman-- duh!!)
Quarterback's kid that looks just like him (Everyone thinks he's gay. Is he? You decide)
Rockin Beat Sweet Notes (Troy's "girlfriend," at least that's what they tell everybody)
Jean-Luc Baptiste Henri Pierre Louis le menage` trois (aka "Pip")
Steamer's twin brother (annoying little bastard born in France... although his twin Steamer wasn't born in France. Go figure.)
Salty's triplet #1 (Sweet, kind, psychotic Vietnam war vet. He's real nice until there's a thunderstorm...)
Tossels (Bastian's poor, sweet, kind little wife!! Her spinning tail keeps Bastian amused for hours...)
Salty's triplet #2 (Enter the local UFO chaser!)
Skully (for obvious reasons)
Stardancer (Sister to Slugger and Casanova. Slugger won't let Molder touch her...)
Casanova (he named himself)
Daddy Bright Bouquet (Cleopatra, JAC, and Elizabeth are his SISTERS, because he is a womanizing bachelor. Duh!)
Cleopatra (she named herself)
Mommy Bright Bouquet #1 (pink version) (gold jewelry and Merlin are the only things on her mind!!)
Joan of Arc (JAC)
Mommy Bright Bouquet #2 (purple version) (the righteous chick who keeps Elizabeth sane)
Baby Bright Boquet (Is finally going out with Lucky!! Note the GH reference for all you soap fans out there)
Baby Dangles (Quarty's and Majesty's baby, was named by Howie and the two had a rather suspicious relationship for a while...)
Merry Treat #1 (Wiggy's wife, wooed and won by his "Romantic Man" trick)
Margot (the demon)
Merry Treat #2 (Steamer's chick, closely associated with Doc Lacey and other various things of darkness)
Maggie (the psychic)
Merry Treat #3 (former banshee/lunatic driven nuts by her mind-reading powers. Lacey fixed her brain and now she is a lunatic who can read minds.)
Ty (after Cobb; he's Slugger's kid after all!)
Baby Brother Waddles (Poor kid his dad expects him to be exactly like he was... At least Slugger doesn't beat him anymore)
Dr Lacey (who has a dead body in her office)
Magic Message Wendy (anything said about Lacey will only deminish what we've been through...)
Baby Bro Paws #1 (Steamer's son, Terry's twin brother. Is actually quite normal, as far as that is possible here)
Baby Bro paws #2 (Bill's brother, a little more on the "please God don't hurt me" side)
1997 Clover who looks like a girl (Cut him a break he is going through puberty! Willy and Vikki's kid, and so part whale. And so Salty can't stand him...)
Poseidon (Posei)
The elusive mail order Sea Breeze (One of Salty's favorite children and Shang's little girlfriend. The envy of every pube!!)
Purple Princess with tarantula lashes (Willy's wife, part fish and daughter of the Sea Queen. Very off her rocker)
Pony Bride (attorney at law, along with Wiggy and Slugger. She's a spiteful, vile shrew, and despite that she is married to Barny!)
Princess Sparkle (Salty's slave then wife then ex-wife, was in a harsh legal battle so that Salty could run off and marry his Buick)
Wig Wam #2 (Actually acts like an Indian unlike Wiggy who has traded in his headdress for Armani...)
Sleepy Head (Survey says: the most evil thing to come out of Royal Blue since the recipe for headcheese cheesecake)
Sleep Tight (Helen's more "normal" twin, who still swears Helen stole a kidney in utero)
A Collie Dog (Quarty's dog that he likes more than most his children)
Paul Atreides
Mountain Boy Sunburst (British Fop and Munchy-Pony's delicious little boyfriend, named for good old 1980's sci-fi)

I hope this was somewhat helpful! If I ever mention someone who isn't on this list and you have no clue who the hell they are, feel free to email me and I will add them to the list.

You might be curious as to who the whales are. Maybe not. I don't care. Here they are anyway!!

the fat, cute, everpresent little annoying one
hates everybody, except Vikki, but especially Wiggy. Owns Willy's Bar.
Gammy, Spammy and Hammy
skinny little whale triplets. Gammy's the ring leader
Willy's ugly twin. He looks alot like Willy, except he ugly!!!! heheheh...
Howie's little girlfriend!
Mowie's hypochondriac brother, two grapes short of a fruit salad...
Crazy Buddha
Protector of All Things Whale-ish!!
Hannibal the Cannibal
the CANNIBAL!!!!
Gratuitous Picture of Hannibal
Little Whale
The smallest whale in all of Quacker County!
Wowie the Big Whale
having a little... uh... problem with the local wildlife
Another picture of Wowie the Big Whale for reference purposes

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