. . . in conjuction with Queen Goddess Surgeon General Artist-Finder Bouncery-doodle, and taking a bit of an idea from the Discovery Channel, I am pleased to present you with a rare look at the wild, and the start of a new campaign.
The predator lurks quietly, watching its prey. It catches sight of it drinking peacefully from a Mountain Dew stream, and makes its move.
Slowly lurking through the tall grass, the predator catches its prey unaware, and before it can do anything to help itself, it is mercilessly tied up. The predator then relishes beating its prey to a bloody pulp and leaving it wounded.
Here, we catch sight of one of these vicious predators, about to viciously attack the innocent victim:
The EDP's are being cruelly beaten up, and it's up to you and I to help them!! That is why, with your help, we can start a new campaign and save the EDP's from this horrible torture!! Won't you please help?
For the small price of only one million dollars, we can move an EDP to Germany, change her name to "Böse Tot Pony", and let her live out the rest of her life comfortably in peace.
Thank you to Eeed for asking me to draw a piccy of Munchy-pony senselessly beating her up. . . the Munchy viewed here is the non-TAF variety, made up by yours truly. :) Have a pleasant evening, and remember -- there are still plenty of EDP's out there that need your help!!